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were published in the paper and available at the Clerks office and at the <br /> library , hie suggested taking the 5 elements in order. <br /> WATER RESOURCES <br /> This deals with water quality issues , groundwater, surface water- fresh and <br /> salt. This element has been to Public meetings of the Sewer Commission , <br /> Board of Health and water District Commissioners. input was solicited and <br /> they were re-drafted . <br /> Tori did received a memo from the water district, after they were re-drafted <br /> regarding the existing standard of 5 parts per million of nitrogen. H e <br /> asked them to explain their position . <br /> M r. Babcock was present representing the water District Commissioners, He <br /> said the 5 parts per million bothers him greatly, `r t is very difficult to <br /> achieve from any treatment facility. The Federal and State standard i s 10 <br /> parts per million for nitrates , He suggests , rather then set yourself up <br /> for conflict, to change the number to match the Federal and State standard <br /> of 10 parts per million . <br /> Toni said the 5 parts per million is being driven by the cape cod <br /> Commission standard. <br /> Mr, Babcock said the commission has no authority to do that, They may <br /> assume they do. <br /> Tony suggested Tom Lambe ra r i , representative from the Commission could <br /> enlighten everyone as to the basis of the 5 parts per million. <br /> Mr, cambe r a r i explained nitrogen 1oading is a concern in wastewater and how <br /> 't is introduced to the groundwater. It threatens public water supply as <br /> well as marine eco systems . our policies except some degree of impairment <br /> to our water supply, I f your water supply goes over 10 parts per million., <br /> our system stem will be condemned ; you cannot serve it to the -public. <br /> Should we manage our water supply to reach 10 parts per million? That is <br /> not the path the commission has chosen. The nitrogen loading standard is <br /> thatY ou can impair your water supply only at 5 parts per million . He <br /> suggested that objective G may not be stated clearly. <br /> Thatp o l i c would ensure you not exceed 10 parts per million at public <br /> water supply wells'. <br /> Tom Fuda 1 a mentioned the Porter study which gives a history of why 5 parts <br /> was established. Even with a mean of 6 parts per million, you will ,violate <br /> the 1 art standard 10 of the time. You still end up with a variety of <br /> part <br /> levels i n the wells with the 5 parts per million of loading,. <br /> Tony asked how it equates to land use -- 1 bedroom per 10,000 sq f eet or <br /> 202000 sq feet? <br /> Mr. cambe ra r i said it is about a 3 bedroom house per acre. <br /> M r. Babcock sai d S art e r mi 11 i on i s the h i ghest- amount in any well in <br /> �1 p p <br /> Mashpee- today. <br /> M r, cambe ra r i said upgraded zoning on the cape has helped the public water <br /> supply wells <br /> Dave Rich said he doesn 't necessarily d i sagree with anything Mr, camberari <br /> has said but what he stated and what is stated in ob,'ect i ve G are <br /> different rent issues . G talks about public mater supply wells, that is removal . <br /> Tom Fuda l a thinks they are saying the same thing . G is regulating Ian d use, <br /> 2 <br />