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d. Signs related to a specific event on a specific date or dates shall be removed with 24 <br /> hours after the event. <br /> 2. Sandwich Board A-Frame Signs shall be permitted only within the C-1 District and the light <br /> Industrial Overlay District. <br /> a. Only one sandwich board/A-frame sign shall be permitted per commercial storefront <br /> subject to approval of the Building Commissioner. <br /> b. Sandwich Board signs will only be displayed during the commercial storefront's <br /> displayed hours of operation and shall be brought inside when not open for business. <br /> c. Sandwich Board signs will not be permitted if they hinder adequate access to the <br /> pedestrian right of way or neighboring storefronts. <br /> The fines will be: First offense warning, Second offense $50 per sign, per day, Third offense $100 per <br /> sign,per day and if the business doesn't pay the fine,they will be going to court. The Seasonal Sign <br /> Code will be reviewed again at the next meeting following input from the Town Planner and the <br /> Planning Board. <br /> The Committee agreed it is a good plan and it is respectful of the town and the people that live here and. <br /> the businesses. If the businesses want to see what their signs should look like it is on the guide and also <br /> on the website. It was noted the draft will be sent to the Planning Board for their review and concerns. <br /> It is pro-business and this would give the town control. The Chair stated if the signs are in a strip mall, <br /> only 4 sandwich signs can be put out. <br /> 5. Treasurer's Report <br /> Robyn Simmons distributed the Mashpee FDIC Balance sheet and noted the CD maturity is next month. <br /> The total balance is $383,797.57. Following a discussion, it was decided to keep $100,000 in the Money <br /> Market Account and invest the remainder in a one-year CD. <br /> Motion: Pamela moved to keep $100,00 in the Money Market and invest the remainder of funds <br /> in a one-year CD. Seconded by Patrice. Vote unanimous 5-0 <br /> 6. Communications and Correspondence <br /> The Chair noted Gene Olson is resigning as a member of EDIC so we need to look for a new at large <br /> member. <br /> The Chair stated she will invite the Town Planner and a Planning Board member to the next meeting to <br /> discuss the Seasonal Sign Code and also asked the Town Planner to give the members an update on the <br /> OpenCounter. <br /> Next Meeting: December 27 at 6;00 p.m. <br /> ADDITIONAL TOPICS <br />