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Review and approval of LA10 Assessment Adjustment List — Fiscal Year 201 <br /> No Grote required. The BOA reviewed the adjustments that were made as a result of the Public <br /> Disclosure period and signed the LA1 o. <br /> Request by Director of Mashpee council on Aging for Pre-Forma roval of the senior <br /> Property Tac Work-off Program participant Meredith Chadwick <br /> Director Streebel advised the hoard that pro-forma approval would more the process to the <br /> Tax and HR departments and allow the payment to the participant, <br /> Gregg Fraser motioned to grant Pro-Forma approval of the senior Property Tax Work <br /> Off Program. Paul Andrews seconded the motion. <br /> VOTE: Yes- <br /> Roll call Vote: Paul Andrews, yes; Gregg Fraser, yes <br /> Release of $325,000 of overt a to the Overlay Surplus Account <br /> Director treehel advised that release of the overlay funds to the overlay surplus account will <br /> allow the movement of those funds into the Assessors} Revaluation Account at the October <br /> torn meeting. <br /> Gregg Fraser motioned to release of $325,000 of overlay funds to the overlay surplus <br /> Account. Paul Andrews seconded the motion. <br /> VOTE: Yes- <br /> Roll call vote: Paul Andrews, yesm Gregg Framer, yes <br /> Next Meetin Date: October fit , ` at m. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> Gregg Fraser motioned to adjourn at 6:14 pm. <br /> Paul Andrews seconded the notion. <br /> VOTE: Yes- <br /> Roll call Vote: Paul Andrews, yes; Gregg Fraser, yes <br /> Resp Illy submitted, <br /> 4 <br /> ,.Jason R. streebel <br /> Director of Assessing <br /> " m <br />