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Committee Comments: <br /> Joe Cummings said he would be agreeable if sign is maintained and was put up <br /> during business hours of 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and removed whenever maws is not <br /> open. <br /> Files Deters said the sign board shorn loops run down. Lisa said she is getting <br /> a brand new sign done now as vire speak. Miles said we should see the new <br /> sign. She said the new sign is not illuminated; it is plastic...basic color is white; <br /> image is in red; and black lettering. Lisa commented that her colors are black <br /> and red and these are also Bob Maffei's colors. <br /> Miles said that with Hardie board or other materials a sign could be created that <br /> would last longer than plastic. Files suggested Lisa tails to the sign raker about <br /> making a quality sign that will last in the winter weather. Lisa said she will do so. <br /> Mike Mendoza noted that this is just a request for a temporary sandwich board <br /> sign, so perhaps we should loop at setting a time limit since it is probably going to <br /> take some time to get 3 owners to reach a consensus on looks of the sign, etc. <br /> Joshua Spencer agreed to setting a time limit perhaps a year or a year and a <br /> half. Also, Joshua said he is okay with the sign, as long as applicant works with <br /> the neighbors; and gives Design Review the proposed revised sign for review. <br /> When the new sign is done, Lisa McAdams ares will bring 5 copies of the proposed <br /> new sign to the Building Department for distribution to the Design Review <br /> Committee. <br /> Jonathan Furbush proposed a time limit of 9 months for the temporary sign. <br /> Mike Mendoza suggested to make the deadline July '1't, with the condition that <br /> appearance of the sign has to be well maintained. <br /> Jonathan said applicant should show on the application the specific location <br /> where the sign is to be located. <br /> Conclusion <br /> MOTION: Michael Mendoza motioned that: <br /> 1. Color/images of the proposed temporary sandwich board sign are to be <br /> broil ght to the Building Department for distribution to the Design Review <br /> Committee; <br /> . Design Review is only granting a temporary sandwich board sign until July <br /> 1, 2018; <br /> 3. The sign location is 20 feet from Nicoletta's Way and no closer than 30 <br /> feet from blain Street; and <br /> 4. Appearance of the temporary sandwich board sign must be maintained <br /> during that timeframe. <br /> 2 <br />