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Leslie noted different EDIC organizations do things differently but one thing that is useful is to take the <br /> pulse of the existing businesses by visiting them. The Chair stated Mashpee ERIC helps businesses go <br /> through the process. We have the Design Review Committee where all the department heads sit and <br /> where a new business comes in to present their idea or plan and after review,they are told whether they <br /> can proceed or not. The Chair reviewed the land that ERIC acquired and sold and noted she went <br /> through the process with the landscaping company who purchased the land to give them support. <br /> There was a lengthy discussion regarding the EDIC's relationship with the Chamber and the businesses. <br /> The Chair noted the Commission holds conferences that EDIC attends and interacts with other towns <br /> and chambers. Leslie noted the most important thing is that we do our job well. The Chair stated the <br /> After Hours with the Chamber of Commerce is helpful because we exchange ideas. <br /> There was a discussion on the lack of hotel/motels in Mashpce and it was noted people want a place to <br /> stay. The Chair said a motel doesn't want to come into Mashpee unless it is on the water and Mashpee <br /> doesn't have any land on the water. She noted Stay Motels showed some interest who were targeting <br /> interim business people but that isn't what Mashpee is looking for. The Chair suggested looking into <br /> old fashioned inns. She said there is land off Route 28 for sale which abuts Mashpee Commons and <br /> Mashpee has land across from the Community Health, It was noted we are losing clients to Falmouth <br /> and Hyannis for people who want a place to stay in Mashpee for weddings, etc. Leslie suggested try <br /> and see what the ingredients are that you need to make a B&B work on Cape Cod. The Chair said we <br /> can guide businesses to.the land that is available to purchase and guide them through the process. <br /> Leslie stated she will send a link to her report in an email, <br /> The Chair thanked Leslie for attending their meeting, <br /> 3. Treasurer's Report <br /> The Chair stated she opened a$50,000 CD for 13 months. <br /> 5. Old Business <br /> 6. Communication and Correspondence <br /> Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. She noted she would like to meet the last <br /> Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. during 2018. All members agreed. <br /> ADDITIONAL TOPICS <br /> Motion: Pamela McCarthy moved to adjourn, seconded by Denise Dutson. Vote unanimous 5-0 <br /> Meeting adjourned 7:25 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Judy Daigneault <br /> Recording Secretary <br />