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Mashpee Affordable Housing Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> December 4, 2018 at 6:30 pm <br /> Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Present: Chairman Allan Isbitz, Walter Abbott,Berkeley Johnson, Bruce Willard, Marie Stone <br /> Also: Town Planner, Evan Lehrer <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> Chairman Isbitz opened the meeting at 6:32 p.m. with a quorum, and the roll was called. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 23, 201.8 <br /> Chairman Isbitz offered changes to the minutes. There was consensus from Committee members <br /> to make the changes. The Chair provided written edits to the Board Secretary. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Willard made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Johnson <br /> seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> October 16 meeting minutes had been drafted from a recording that was of poor quality. The <br /> item should be added to a future agenda for approval. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> 950 Falmouth Road-Chairman Isbitz reported that Mr. Taylor would be working with <br /> Selectman Gottlieb regarding the specific details of nitrogen mitigation. In addition, when the <br /> RFP was officially adopted by the Affordable Housing Trust on November 5, it contained an <br /> addition recommended by Mr. Lehrer, referencing the Town's designation as a member of the <br /> Housing Choice Community. A copy of the additional text was provided to Committee members <br /> by email. Mr. Johnson noted that"for" should be changed to "to" in the fourth line of the <br /> paragraph. <br /> Chairman Isbitz confirmed that changes had been made by Horsley Witten to the Feasibility <br /> Report to include Changing Section"2.3"to "2.4,"with additional text changes to the section. <br /> Mr. Lehrer explained that there was some language confusion regarding nitrogen flow from the <br /> development. Horsley Witten cited that to achieve a nitrogen output of 5 mg/L or less would be <br /> cost prohibitive. EPA regulations required 20 mg/L. Mr. Lehrer stated that the wording was <br /> confusing in the study, suggesting that Mashpee would be amenable to 20 mg/L,but was not the <br /> intent of the Town. Mashpee's Special Permit required a minimum output of 5 mg/L, not to <br /> exceed 10 mg/L, and the RFP sought to recognize the increased costs of technology upgrades but <br /> was an important component of developing affordable housing. State regulations were not <br /> consistent with local, Mashpce regulations. The Chair noted that the clarification was in <br /> response to concerns expressed by Selectman Gottlieb and his desire to require a development to <br /> be net zero. Further clarifications were made in the text regarding nitrogen effluent treatment <br /> measurement versus property line nitrogen measurement of 10 mg/L. <br />