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Mr. Abbott inquired about 25 mglL referenced on page 12. Mr. Lehrer responded that <br /> provisional use approval allowed a greater load at 550 gallons per day versus the Special Permit <br /> Regulations designed for 5,000 gpd. Mr. Lehrer suggested that it may be a reference to Title V. <br /> Chairman Isbitz further reported that an addition was made in the summary"the list provided <br /> below is not all inclusive, additional waivers may be required, dependent on the actual final <br /> design." Mr. Abbott referenced potential future solar requirements for residential developments, <br /> as proposed by the State Legislature, <br /> Regarding next steps, the Committee will await word from Mr. Taylor regarding RFP <br /> preparations and consideration from Town Counsel. Details should be finalized for the next <br /> meeting on February 5, in order to release the RFP. <br /> Mashpee Commons-John Connell was present from Mashpee Commons to report that <br /> they intended to complete 10 additional units of the 32-unit 40B project, by the middle of <br /> February. Mr, Connell further reported that they had received strong candidates for the three <br /> affordable units and half of the market rate units had been rented. The total number of affordable <br /> units located on Market Street would be eight. It was noted that the project had been reduced <br /> from 52 units to 32. Mr. Connell stated that discontinuance of 40B would not occur until the <br /> final building was completed. The Chair agreed that DHCD would likely then remove the units <br /> from the subsidized housing index inventory. <br /> Wampanoag Village-Ms. Stone reported that there was no update on the project, <br /> confirming that an RFP had been released and a project manager identified. Ms. Stone stated <br /> that the project was starting over with a new team,but confirmed that infrastructure was in place, <br /> State funding had been received. <br /> Habitat for Humanity-The Chair reported that there were three units that would be <br /> available for home ownership. Mr. Lehrer reported that a deed had been transferred from the <br /> Ockway Highlands Subdivision. The Chair confirmed that an application had been submitted to <br /> have the Degrasse home listed on the subsidized housing inventory. Additionally, LIP <br /> applications had been submitted for the two homes located on Great Neck Road North. <br /> Construction was expected to occur next year. <br /> Main Street Village, Phase H-There was no update. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Proposed Meeting Schedule for 2019-There would be no meeting in January. There <br /> was discussion regarding a adjustments to the regular schedule. Two meetings may <br /> occur in May to plan for interviews and recommendations to the Affordable Housing Trust, <br /> MOTION: Mar. Johnson made a motion to accept the schedule. Mr. Willard seconded the <br /> motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> CPA Funding for Affordable Housing-As Chair of the Community Preservation <br /> Committee, Selectman Gottlieb had requested additional information from Committees regarding <br /> 2 <br />