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4 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> January 1 ,2017 <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> FY 18 Budget Review in pLeparation for Mav 2017 Town Ileetin Fcontinued <br /> In considering the school budget, it was noted the number of students attending Ma.shpee schools <br /> has been relatively stable during the past four years. Birth rate projections are also expected to <br /> he unwavering for an additional four years. Eighty percent of the school budget is earmarked for <br /> salaries. . lthough union contracts typically have escalations,the school budget is increasing <br /> more gradually in the matter of salaries. <br /> When asked if thepro posed %reduction in municipal government would affect services, <br /> Rodney . Collins,Town Manager indicated that mission critical services would not he <br /> compromised. If a vacancy exits, it may not be funded in FY 18. However, in preliminary <br /> budget assumptions,there are no layoffs projected. <br /> Town Manager Rodney C. Collins requested comment from the Finance Committee with regards <br /> to his recommended course of action to reduce the municipal budget b %. <br /> In response it was agreed FYI 8 is the first year of a multi-year proposal when considering the <br /> long term fiscal analysis of the town. It appears the Town Manager is moving forward in the <br /> right direction. If the budget was to increase yearly, it would not be sustainable. Numbers will <br /> always be questionable, and it is positive to have reductions if services are not compromised. <br /> It was agreed that after review of the F 18 budget,the town should begin preparations for fiscal <br /> year 2019, and consider another-2%reduction. To maintain equality, it was recommended the <br /> School Department take a hard look at their budget. At this time,the actual figures on the town <br /> and school side of government are not fully finalized and would he further considered. <br /> School Committee Chairman Don Tears reaffirmed a 2.18% increase the School Department <br /> requesting represents an additional$454,000 in the proposed school budget. <br /> With respect to general operating procedures as it relates to infrastructure and security there was <br /> concern regarding necessary technology improvements and upgrades. Town Manager Rodney <br /> C. Collins indicated that urgent requests from departments such as Information Technology <br /> within the town and schools are prioritized and addressed in the capital improvement plan. <br /> Infrastructure advancements are planned looking toward future needs as it is imperative to <br /> safeguard these operations. <br /> The Finance Committee gave full support to the Town.Manager and agreed to work <br /> collaboratively and collectively on matters of mutual interest. <br />