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3 <br /> Board of Selectmen <br /> Finance on nnittee/School. Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> March 6. 2017 <br /> Discussion relative to the Quashnet School Door, window and Roof Project: (continued) <br /> Mr. Sivalogan informed the respective boards the i SBA has accepted the new project scope. In further <br /> surveying the existing building and reviewing regulations imposed by the MSBA, several updates are <br /> proposed to conform to code requirement, accessibility and compliance with MAAB. Remedial design <br /> rnpro ernents include updating restrooms with handicap accessibility modifications, improving <br /> stairways, raising a drinking fountain and adjusting doorways for proper clearance. Additional work as <br /> required for compliance is estimated to cost$300,000 to $400,000. <br /> Additionally there was an issue detected in the roof joints. Current and new codes require a higher wind <br /> restraint. Therefore is it anticipated 135 areas would be required to be welded. Mr. Sivalogan indicated <br /> the building envelope would be weatherproofed,fully MAAB compliant and energy efficient. The <br /> construction project as it is presently designed involves 86%of the building. The result would offer the <br /> Town an essentially new exterior with a surface life of 40 years. The remainder of the building consists <br /> of brick and masonry that is deemed in very good condition requiring no alteration. <br /> If was reaffirmed the 28 year old roof is beyond its use of life. The roof replacement would include a 30 <br /> year warranty. Highlights of the project include the replacement of the windows and doors with <br /> aluminum impact resistant windows, aluminum and fiberglass do ors, MAAB accessibility upgrades and <br /> the replacement of the EFIS soffits with upgrades to the EFIS system. <br /> The duration of the project is proposed in April at the start of school vacation through November, 2018. <br /> Additional project assumptions include work to commence on a second shift when school is not in <br /> session. It was recommended the-proj ect be bid under a single contractor as there are multiple trades to <br /> be coordinated. <br />