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3 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> August 10, 2017 <br /> Discussion re ardin Town Pension Fund Unfunded Liabili <br /> Craig Mayen., Treasurer/Tax Collector began the discussion reviewing Town Insurance <br /> obligations for retired employees referenced as Other Post-Employment Benefits(OPEB). <br /> The Town of Mashpee receives an actuarial report every two years* with a collaborative bid,the <br /> Barnstable County Commissioners have executed a contract with Segal Consulting. This firm <br /> completed the actuarial services for the Town in 2014. All member units of the municipal <br /> retirement systems of the Cape&Islands have been offered to participate in the utilization of this <br /> contract. Actuarial servi c e s planned for 0 1 with egal Consulting will reduce costs to the <br /> Town of Mashpee under the regional bid. The contract will also allow the Town to work and to <br /> compensate this firm directly with services to be paid for by the Town. <br /> The Financial Team reviewed the summary of valuation results in accordance with Govenunent <br /> Accounting Standards Boards (GASB) as of June 3 o,2014. The key results and significant <br /> assumptions for the 2014 year are shown on a funded basis(money makes money payment <br /> invested in stocks and bonds at a 7.5% interest rate - $48 million) and on a pay-as-you-go basis <br /> (paying for the retirees currently going to retire 4.50% interest rate- $75 million). This is the <br /> health insurance liability assumption if all employees retire from the Town of Mashpee. <br /> In 2012,,the Town of Mashpee placed funding aside for FYI 3, and in May of 2017 funding was <br /> approved at Town Meeting to appropriate$50,000 to the OPEB Irrevocable Trust Fundi for F1 <br /> to assist the Town in meeting its potential post-employment benefits obligation. The balance of <br /> this account to date is nearly $1.5 million. On average,the total annual required contribution <br /> would be $3.8 to $5.4 respectively. <br /> At the end of the fiscal year in 2009 the employer contribution was 14.2%. This figure has <br /> grown to 32%in 2016 with the increased mount of retirees. It was noted the use of Medicare as <br /> a primary insurance greatly reduces insurance costs. Methods to dimirn*sh the impact of medical <br /> insurance costs were considered, but this would rewire collective bargaining and agreements <br /> thereof. <br /> Discussion followed with respect to liabilities and possible methods of transferring unexpended <br /> monies to the OPEB account. Currently,there are no requirements to secure annual funding for <br /> the OPEB trust account. However,the Town at this time has an AAA rating with Standard <br /> Poor's, and there is a possible risk of compromising the rating. It is unclear as to how other <br /> towns may be dealing with this liability. <br />