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4 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> August 3 1, 2017 <br /> Review&Action-Draft October 16; 2017 Annual Tovvm Meeting-Warrant (continued) <br /> Article 7 New Buy Down program. (continued) <br /> In reviewing the budget as proposed to purchase a$275,000 two-bedroom home,the down <br /> payment cost related to the CPA buy-down program is$155,000. The rental fee below market <br /> rate is $950. The mortgage is assumed a $675,the maintenance $150 and the MHA <br /> management fee is presumed at the rate of % or $76 per month. The sample projected budget <br /> realizes a savings of$49 per month. In considering this project it was noted the savings could <br /> fluctuate, and the entire maintenance fee; $150 and the savings projection of$49 could be <br /> retained. In ether considering this proposal with a projected savings of$199 per month, and <br /> the payment of the mortgage in full, it is possible the rental amount, 950 could also be available <br /> for use as an added savings. There was no outline with respect to the use of the savings, and the <br /> possible return of funds to the Community preservation Committee. <br /> Mrs. Botsford indicated the MHA is a profitable organization. Although it has not been fully <br /> determined, the excess funding could be used to subsidize the public state housing with building <br /> upgrades and maintenance. Funds would also build the reserves of the MHA and cover <br /> retirements as well as unforeseen expenditures. <br /> The Mashpee Mousing Authority was noted to have adequate staffing, a total of 7 employees to <br /> administer this program. Currently 170 its are being managed by the MHA. This includes <br /> private entities and housing in other towns. <br /> Mrs. Botsford was asked if there was any consideration to apply for a revenue band to obtain a <br /> favorable interest rate. In considering this option it was noted the MHA is not a town entity and <br /> may not qualify for a revenue bond since this is considered to be a small project. Mrs. Botsford <br /> stated if the project is successful and if the issuance of a revenue bond is financially feasible,this <br /> may be considered. If the project is worthwhile, it is the intent of the MHA to request additional <br /> CPA funding in the future-, <br /> If the proj ect is approved at Town Meeting it is hopeful that two hones would be purchased. <br /> Any remmmng money would be used as an additional down-payment for another affordable <br /> hone. Mrs. Botsford when asked of an exit strategy indicated the MHA would sell the home and <br /> return the funds to the Community preservation Committee. when asked if this program is an <br /> existing model, it was noted that other towns have done similar programs to accumulate <br /> affordable rental units. <br /> In.closing Mrs. Botsford was also asked if the Affordable Housing Conunittee has been involved <br /> in this process. In response it was mated the AHC was not advised of this particular project. <br /> Normally the entities try to work together,however the M14A is self-supportive to facilitate the <br /> process and to manage and create affordable housing. <br />