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TREASURER."S REPORT& BG,ET 'U'Pl).AT'E-. .'Mi-,s,. Bots-ford provided. the Budget to <br /> Actual report, prepared.byac otintanI "Fonj. Joy;,, Mrs. Botsford reviewed the report and expla-ined. <br /> c <br /> any re. �11i,ewwants tbr v, Mrss. Botsf6rd, Presented the: wan�ants f6r rexiew and signat.u <br /> s:ignaturcs, to-night are fior the month of May 2,017 and total as 1761.lows: $47,9,88:.,07 for 400 1, <br /> $49,477.00 f'O,r 'MR.VP, $50,38 LOI for As"her"sPath Apa,rtm.ents, $10,197.2 1, t7or'HAP. and <br /> $12,619.18: f"ar(`Ilree::t Cove Comm-un.1ty. <br /> We -ave a few residents that'have not pai.d. We have one'Breezy Acres, one at Great Cove <br /> colnnitatlity,, one at Ash-er"s 11,ath and one at I;lo-niever Village. Both, Great Co-ve andBreezy <br /> Acres tenants witl have pay-nient ix by '.Monday. "I"he one residenit at Ashers." Path, is -in th' .e <br /> hoItso G-In-a isre-achIng out to their next of k-In/mergency,contact. person. ["he Honwyer <br /> Village res-Ident is.getti-tig assistanceith wtwe.nit ,� <br /> I fi-omthe CC 'Fits Needy 6 <br /> I'tind, and WC- ShOUldbe <br /> gett.!.n.g that, w-tthtn, a-week,: Weare 1,00% occupied at all. developrem s except, fir Great (,,ove <br /> C011111111,111ty rtgh-rn,ow., We have two units:thal. we are ,trymg toti,]I now. Asher's Patti..will 1.1-ave: <br /> a vacancy th" <br /> ,is rnonth xvhlch -we,are work-ing on filling as soon as possiible,- 'Mrs. Bot-SI"ord, spent <br /> some arne explaintng-the dt!"'I"I"cultY 'n filfi.-ng the Gr "at Cove Community unit and stressed, t'hat <br /> Ms. Milchell is on, topof it-We are dolng the best we cangiven the program, requilrenien,ts and the <br /> number ofagencies,that must approve. <br /> Mr. Halpern eared -fit Nvorel d: be possible to get the Rudget to Acttial, report a week.ahead,of t <br /> nice ime <br /> like the rest of the docUllients provided, Mrs,. Botsford stated that askht Mr. ,,Joy Usually coni,es dow'11. <br /> the day of the enng and, the-ti provides the repw,-tbu,-t she will , .iim,if hie can con,,ie:a week <br /> earlIct-to do the report so; that Mrs. Bobr <br /> tst' d can sseti,d, that report,along w-Ith.evervthing else: <br /> bel"ore-the meeting- <br /> A mo-tion wasniade by Melissa Phi Ilii s and seconded, by 31'11 Allen to accept the <br /> e'rreasuter's 'Report & Budget U'pdate as presented. The moti <br /> ion was adopted, <br /> EXECI-i'TIVE D'URECTOR'S REPORI" & UPDATES*. <br /> I.................... <br /> Mrs., BotsI,:c,)rd stated,that she had ina-i led, her reports 1"Or-M ay ai,,id, had,a Few iterns-to add,, <br /> W <br /> I conducted the ni,oniloring review for Mash,pe-el3ridges of'Cape Cod, yeste-rday III <br /> Wellesley-. <br /> Carol and I are both attending the'MassNAHRO confieren.ce in Falniiouth. at the end, of the <br /> o nth.. Melissa was, born red, for com,,plefing the co-urse at 11111CIL <br /> I've been (.�Iected, to coritinue an the MasSNAHRO Board of'Direcfor s. <br /> met with the CPC -regarding,our appllcatloi�-i for the Buy-down.prograill and. -it wasvoted, <br /> 'Lin.a,rii!iii.ou,S],Y'tO .'fl.'Ll,l,id, t'he prog.ram., Melissa attended thetiieeting� It now,goes t•o the <br /> Board of Selectnwn and then rlow-n. Meeting. <br /> John Mflfiganha,s, <br /> s lelt nce <br /> 4 the part tinie maitenanassistant pos-ition! (1,2 hours week):,, 17m <br /> ng <br /> goito hold, t1tis POS.1,tion to see, What the new bud get is goingt'I -o: look- like. <br /> . <br /> Page 2 of 4: <br />