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Director's Report <br /> The Director noted she attended the Barnstable County Health & Human Services <br /> Advisory Council Meeting s the Upper Cape Representative. She noted she had a <br /> discussion witli Cathy Taylor of CORD about our Proposal entitled, "Homebound <br /> Harvest" and getting food delivered to those disabled or homebound. CORD has staffed <br /> a Mobile Food Pantry but is currently not servicing the Upper Cape due to the la6k of <br /> volunteers. They discussed about how we can work together to bring this to the Upper <br /> Cape because we have a need here. Cathy will be attending our October 2017 I-Iuman <br /> Services Committee no ting to discuss further, <br /> The Director said the Substance Use Task Force had their meeting yesterday and the <br /> trainer from the Massachusetts :.ibstance Abuse Helpline presented, The trainer spore <br /> about their helpline which is statewide and how it works, They have a new website that <br /> Will be coping out soon.' - <br /> The Director said they are preparing for the next Drop In Night which is Se tember "'. <br /> Some of their work is to continue to find creative ways to promote the Drop In Night and <br /> reaching out to other towns.- She said the other issue-is if new people want to loin the <br /> Drop In Might how we vet those agencies or people. The Task Force decided the group <br /> needs to develop criteria. She noted AA will be joining the group and will be at the next <br /> Drop In Night. Lynne Waterman suggested a discussion on non-profits vs. businesses. <br /> There was.a discussion on Narcan and what is the process of getting Narcan for the town. <br /> The Task Force will be doing a drug display at all the school open houses for parents. <br /> The Director noted the Substance Use Task Force's first Anniversary is on September 21, <br /> The Director stated she started a new initiative with the Miashpee Housing Authority <br /> meeting on a regular basis. , <br /> Lynne Waterman.spore about Healthy Aging-Cape Cod which was formed as a result of <br /> a panel discussion hosted by Barnstable County. She said there was grant money and a. <br /> consultant was hired ajid formed a group Healthy Aging of Cape Cod to look at the <br /> impact of elders on Cape Cod and low our region can plan ahead to meet their needs. <br /> We have been meeting and as a result, the group has formed the Health acid Human <br /> Services Subcommittee which Gall Wilson is a member. <br /> Lynne Barbee brought up the hoarding issue and stated Barnstable County will be <br /> holding a forum to educate people. <br /> The Chair reiterated at the-next meeting we will focus on the contracts. <br /> Motion: Frank Fantasia moved to adjourn, seconded by Lynne Barbee. vote 6-0 <br /> I1eetxrrgdj ou-rned p.m. <br />