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[Agcnda topic 31 Dain Inspection <br /> Discussion; Drew McManus reported that the phase I inspections had been completed and results were <br /> similar to the last inspection. It was recommended that trees and sfuubs along the Mill Pond emba.i ment <br /> be removed and the area planted with grass. Some erosion was noted on the wampanoag Museum side of <br /> the fish run by the parking lot that needs to be repaired. Drew noted that some parts of the concrete ladder <br /> slats (where he inserts an removes bodrds 1466 dete�iotated will heed to he addressed in the future...not <br /> urgent noW. <br /> Conclusions: The engineer found no major changes from the last dam inspections in 2009 and 2011. <br /> [Agenda topic 4] waterways Committee Dews <br /> Discussion: Don.Mac Donald reported that Rick York has been named the permanent head of the Natural <br /> Resources Department. <br /> Al Turner, Harbormaster rborrnaster has obtained three new Motorola radios that were surplus equipment from GA. <br /> to improve communication among assistants and the Harbormaster. Some assistants already started work <br /> on March 27th. Their job description now includes other natural Resource responsibilities with shellfish. <br /> Conclusions. Don Mae Donald updated us on crews from waterways Committee. <br /> [Agenda topic 51 Committee vacancy <br /> Discussion; We still have a vacancy on this committee which needs to be filled. <br /> Conclusions: We need another member to bring our membership up to five. <br /> The meetmng was adjourned at 7:55 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />