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Mashpee akeb Lake Management <br /> C <br /> OMMI ee <br /> Sep#ember 28,2017 <br /> 7:30.PM <br /> Masb ee Town Haff. <br /> Meeting called by. Debi McManus <br /> Type of meeting, Monthly <br /> Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Attendees: Members: Brian Mauro, Donald MacDonald, Barbara Nichols <br /> Guest: Mike Rapacz <br /> The minutes of the August 24, 2017 meeting were accepted as written after a motion by Brain Mauro <br /> and second by Don MacDonald. <br /> Agenda topics <br /> Agenda tqO'je 1] Lake level <br /> Discussion: Barbara took the lake measurements on September 2"a and 15'h and both were at 55.2 feet <br /> above sea level. There were 11.5 and 11 inches of water flowing over the board closest to the lake and 9 <br /> inches of water in the stream by the stairs both times. From mid-August through mid-September, Barbara <br /> measured 6.75 inches of rain in her rain gauge. Levels were emailed to Drew McManus in Conservation <br /> During the past year, the low was 54.9 feet on September 15 t�', 2016, and the high was 55.6 ft. Mayl 5 t <br /> 2017. <br /> Conclusions: The water levels are consistent at 55.2 feet above sea level. <br /> [Agenda topic 2]Beach Sampling <br /> Discussion: The water samf les at both Attaquin Beach and Camp Farley passed the final two week of the <br /> swim season on August 24' and 31St. This means that both swim areas passed testing throughout the <br /> season from June 8th through August 31St <br /> Barnstable County Board of Health testing in Mashpee included 2 public marine beaches, 4 semi-public <br /> marine beaches, 6 public freshwater beaches and 8 semi- public freshwater beaches. <br /> Conclusions: Both Attaquin Beach and Camp Farley tested negative for bacteria throughout the swim <br /> season. <br />