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[A 0a topic X Boatingct <br /> Aivity <br /> 6 .. <br /> Discussion: The boating activity on the lake was noticeably quieter the past few weeks. An email update <br /> was received from Al Turner, harbormaster, summarizing the summer activity. When his department <br /> noticed that the boaters causing trouble earlier on John's Pond had moved to Mashpee lake,they stepped <br /> up enforcement on Mashpee Wakeby. Brian noticed the harbormaster boat out on patrol at 6:45 and <br /> getting the PWC owners off the lake at 7:pm. Citations and removing watercraft from the pond once again <br /> made a big difference. <br /> Conclusions: Increased enforcement decreased the troublesome boaters on the lake. <br /> [A9CAA tropic 4]`; all Newsletter <br /> Discussion: Barbara wrote three articles for the newsletter on Swimmer's Itch, Beach water quality <br /> testing, and lake levels in 2016 and 2017. More articles are needed. Suggestions were an article from <br /> Diane Lang on Lowell Holly or an article from the harbormaster. <br /> Conclusions; Articles are needed for the fall newsletter. <br /> CA ru nda topic 5 ;`Committee Vacancy <br /> Discussion: Our guest tonight, Mike Rapacz expressed an interest in joining the committee. He was <br /> encouraged to send a letter to the board of Selectmen. <br /> Conclusions: Mr. Rapacz is interested in joining the committee. <br /> (Agenda Topic G)Algat$loon <br /> Discussion: Andrew Gottlieb emailed that he had concerns about a recent algal bloom that began last <br /> week. He wondered about sponsoring a lake diagnostic study and perhaps looking for funding at Town <br /> meeting in the spring. Mike Rapacz, a guest and friend of Andrew's is experienced in studies of water <br /> quality testing and wants to use a secchi disc to measure clarity. He feels the bloom may be due to <br /> increased phosphorus from septic systems. Barbara has a secchi disc that belongs to Mashpee <br /> Environmental Committee, which he may use. Barbara also has years of data from when she did the <br /> testing. Mike noticed the bloom near Lowell Holly beach. Don and Barbara wondered if the recent heavy <br /> rains and winds from hurricane remnants had contributed to the bloom. <br /> Conclusions: Don will check with Rick York about the bloom, <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 PA. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />