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2/1/2017 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
2/1/2017 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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5 <br /> Mr. Dorse ; Tom said he no ,ed everyone brit obviously you didn't get the memo. Ok, so here I an?, <br /> forever complainilig about the gauntlet on my road. It's almost 700,feet long, either side of the road <br /> there's construction going on. I here's no insurance, he doesn't even have inaudible insurance. You <br /> issued a special Permit to do the work, there's o insurance atsoever covering this project. Like I.say, r t's o ee t long, so January nth and 8 h Ilowed �r the Town 18 hours. I don 7 do my road <br /> P <br /> heca se they ori't a. .for pry road to be plowed. 1hey cut the scums dowry so low that I didn't see ac <br /> strip that was about 12 inches tall, going 20 mphplowing, I hit it} it was like hitting a brick wall. I <br /> got a concussion, I'm still going to the chiropractor getting my neck adjusted. Ok. I talked to the <br /> Town manager. I asked Miry to speak to Catherine Laurent to put some sticks rip on either side o�f the <br /> road and, u , I also talked to Matt Harney. He laughed at ire and hung up the phone. 01r. This ain't a <br /> .yoke anymore. Vere'sfive houses at the end of the road. We live here. We pay taxes and, it keeps on <br /> getting brushed and brushed and brushed. So sorrrelhing has to be done. And I'm here to make sure <br /> something's done. I mean} -what's the issue -withno-no insurance whatsoever on a-ori a construction <br /> project? Can you answer ire that? <br /> Chair.- I don't know i�f hat's in the punWw of the Planning Board to require insurance. so I dor?11, <br /> I'm not an expert. . . ` <br /> Mr. Dorsey: So 700feet o,f road and no insurance, no um, no liability or workmen's corp or <br /> anything, is that what yore ire saying? <br /> Mr. Baizarink (inaudible) have to do it thea <br /> Chair; I think that you.get a, when you get a co s r-mtion er itfor a building, I know you have to <br /> ai�e a certain types of insurance, brit unless they purled a, 11mr a er rt <br /> Mr. Balzarhri yes, inaudrh1e), the Building Departrrrent <br /> 'hair: Twat did they say? <br /> Mr. Dorsey; 7hey told me tai any road that's private, that's open to the public, is raider the <br /> jurisdiction of the DPW I keep air talking to Catherine Laurent and she says she has nothing to do <br /> with it because it's a private road. But according to the A ttorney General's office} she does. O . So <br /> pry issue is there 's 7004 feet of road work going on on either sive ofBine Castle that I have to drive <br /> through. There's no insurance whatsoever. So that's issue number 1. Issue nu her 2 is, it needs to be <br /> marked out so ive know where the roam is when it snows, other-wise youre just driving and it's this big <br /> field of-while air o u don't know where the road is. Ok* so i t's a safety a ar d. A t7d um, I know for a <br /> fact. It cost nye $5,500 to replace my plow, o } so it's starting to cost me money. AndI've've been here, <br /> i t's going on 3 years that I've been here complaining about this prq f ect and it keeps on getting brushed <br /> and hrus ed and hays ed. I don't It-now what the Haneys have on the Town ofMashpee where they <br /> can. hme carte blanche to do whatever the hell they want, but this is ridiculous. So, that's my piece <br /> what are you, do you hme a res onse? <br /> Chair; Well, the, the permits that this Board issued were in out jurisdiction and(inaudible) . . . <br /> .fir. Dorse, .• (inaudible) in your (inaudible) to do 700 feet of roadwork with �s o i r-•a ee whalsoever. <br /> Chair; Ike subdivision, the subdivision, it's not in our purview or*jurisdiction to require insurance for <br /> that. But,you know, I would. . . <br /> 2 <br />
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