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4 <br /> frontage and access was extinguished with the new layout, despite holding the right of access for <br /> at least 100 gears. _ <br /> 1n 1947 the Land Court registered the parcel where Pimlico fond Road bisected the property, <br /> Sandwich- otuit Road was noted as"public77 in 1947. Subsequent plans also showed the 40 foot <br /> Sandwich- otuit Road as public. when the new road was laid out, it crit off the historic <br /> roadway. <br /> Mr. Balarini inquired whether the 150 foot frontage would be net according to the original <br /> layout, but Mr, Fudala responded that it would not because it was not a subdivision street, a town <br /> road or a road to serve as adequate access to the property. Mr. Fudala stated that there was no <br /> layout of the road until 1960. Mr. Rowley quoted the subdivision control law. Mr. Rowley _ <br /> stated that in the third option, the road would need to be inspected to cheep the condition, for <br /> consideration. Mr. Fudala pointed out that subdivision regulations did not exist until 1965. Mr. <br /> Rowley stated that if the road existed before, it still needed to have adequate construction to be <br /> used. Having passed by the road, Mr. Rowley saw no evidence of a road at the end where the <br /> frontage would be needed. In his opinion it was not usable in its current form for Lot 15, <br /> without improvements. Mr. Rowley added that it was the Board"s decision to determine whether <br /> or not it met the criteria. Mr. Fudala referenced the aerial photo that showed part of the road zn <br /> 007 but no visible road could be seen on Cotuit load. Mr. Fudala added that the south end was <br /> being used as a driveway. <br /> Mr. Rowley referenced Mr. Sykes' plans showing lots 13, 14, 15. Lot. 15 had frontage on <br /> Pimlico Pond Load, more than what was required, and the same with lot 13. Lot 14 had no <br /> frontage and Mr. Rowley suggested the possibility of approving lots 13 and 15, with a notation <br /> that lot 14 was a separate nor-building lot until appropriate frontage was provided. Mr. Sykes <br /> reported that lot 14 was the lot being considered for sale. Mr. Balzarxni inquired about a <br /> subdivision road being added to lot 14 and Mr. Fudala responded that it could not be completed <br /> through the AIS R process. Mr. Rowley added that it could be done if lot 14 was advertised as a <br /> subdivision and the Planning Board could waive requirements as they saw fit, but it would <br /> require some construction.. Mr. Rowley described the steps by which Mr. Sykes would pursue <br /> Form C, life a regular subdivision hearing. <br /> The total acreage of the lot was over 5 acres, which Mr. Fudala stated would place it in the <br /> cluster subdivision regulations. Mr. Rowley suggested removal of 13 and 15, subdividing only <br /> lot 14. Mr, Sykes will discuss the issue further with his client. <br /> Mir, Fudala also pointed out the 40 foot layout abandoned but added to the property across the <br /> street, suggesting that the project proposer likely owned to the center of the road, but it was <br /> never seen by the Planning Board.. Mr. Rowley referenced the Land Court plan but the Land <br /> Court would not adjudicate the property because of the public right of way. Mr. Cummings <br /> inquired about purchasing lot 6. Where was further discussion regarding the old undefined road. <br /> Mr. Rowley noted that the Planning Board would have 21 days to make a decision.. Mr. Sykes <br /> indicated his preference to seek an ANR for lots 13 and 15 and will note on the plans that lot 14 <br /> was not a buildable lot until made compliant. <br /> 2 <br />