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6/21/2017 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
6/21/2017 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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5 <br /> Applicant: John Cadete <br /> Location: 401 Nathan Ellis Highway/Johns Pond Center <br /> Request: vote regarding need for public hearing for Special Permit Modification to <br /> relocate Dunkin' Donuts drive-through menu board <br /> The Chair read the request for the record. Mr. Fudala stated that the owner of the property was <br /> required to be listed on the application. Dunkin Donuts franchisee, Mr. Cadete, stated that he <br /> had submitted a letter from owner, Vincent Guarino, who indicated that it would be alright to <br /> relocate the drive-through menu. Mr. Fudala responded that he required the original letter. <br /> There was consensus among Board members that the menu already existed on site and the <br /> request involved only a relocation, The Chair informed the project proponent that the Board <br /> would be seeping additional information regarding the traffic pattern at the restaurant, as well as <br /> a means by which customers would be informed about the appropriate traffic pattern.. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balza rani made a motion that a public hearing was not needed. Mr. <br /> ooh arian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> Chairman waygan informed Mr. Cadete that a proposed modification to a Town Bylaw at the <br /> October Town Meeting would make the location of the Dunkin Donuts drive-through legal, The <br /> Chair further noted that the Chamber of Commerce would be notified of the modification, in the <br /> evert that they would like to offer comment at the Town Meeting. The Chair recommended that <br /> . fir. Cadete also attend. lit'. Weeden inquired whether bollards would be located around the <br /> sign. Mr. Rowley responded that it would be located on an island. Mr. Cadete stated that the <br /> relocation was to allow more time for workers to prepare customers' orders, <br /> DEFINITIVE SUBDWISION PLAN <br /> Applicant: Prime Properties 1 Ken Marsters <br /> Location: Country Club Lane, Quashnet valley development <br /> Request: Discussion with Board's Engineer re: design of intersection with old <br /> Barnstable <br /> Road <br /> Mr. Rowley distributed copies of the approved plan for the intersection of Country Club Lane <br /> and old Falmouth/Barnstable Road. The grades were in the process of being set. Mr. Rowley <br /> had some question with the sketch, regarding where the islands should be located in order to <br /> properly direct the traffic and avoid a dangerous situation. Following his site visit, the project's <br /> engineer planned to make adjustments to the grading to ensure that runoff stayed within <br /> Fal mouth/Old Barnstable Road. Additionally, a binding material would be installed and then the <br /> binder course of mix, which would then allow them to lay down the islands with traffic cones in <br /> order to try the layout. Mr* Rowley cautioned that it may need modification, Although a <br /> modification would be unnecessary, an as built plan must be submitted.. The curb cut permit <br /> expired and Mr. Rowley recommended that, once the location of the islands was identified, <br /> Catherine Laurent and the Police Department be contacted to inspect the area and identify the <br /> safest locations for the islands. There was discussion regarding necessary tree clearing, signage <br /> and the possibility of a T intersection. Planning Board members were in agreement with Mr. <br /> owley's recommendations. Mr. Hansen suggested the possibility of relocating the golf course <br /> 2 <br />
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