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ivorldng with you on what that should look like. Hope idly, )ve can have that conversation at the <br /> The Chair indicated that it seemed Mashpee Commons would have a presentation for the <br /> Planning Board. Where was consensus to schedule the presentation for September 6. <br /> Chair of the Affordable Housing Committee, Bud Abbott, was present to share with the Planning <br /> Board his committee's disappointment in Mashpee Commons' progress and the availability of <br /> only three affordable rental units. Mr. Fudala responded that Mashpee Commons was giving up <br /> on their 40B project and did not wish to provide 25% affordable housing. Mr. Abbott announced <br /> that their Committee would be meeting next Tuesday. The Chair recommended that the <br /> Committee identify Ma,shpee}s housing priorities, noting the possibility of coordinating a <br /> percentage of affordable units for an inclusionary zone with Mashpee Commons. The Chair <br /> provided examples of ways to encourage affordable housing. Mr. Abbott discussed two parcels <br /> of land that had been transferred to the Affordable Housing Frust, to complete a feasibility study <br /> and eventually release an RFP to develop either or both of the properties for affordable housing. <br /> Selectman Cotton was in attendance to learn more about the planning Board and Mashpee <br /> Commons. <br /> Mr. Fudala referenced an article in the Enterprise quoting Nk. Simon who described 11 ashpee's <br /> bylaw as "antiquated." Mr. Fudala stated that.11rlashpee's bylaw was as up-to-date as any bylaw <br /> in the State. Members of the planning Board would be reviewing the bylaw and Mr. Balzarini <br /> recommended reviewing the open Space Incentive Development on page 94. Mr. Fudala also <br /> referenced the Commercial Center bylaw, page 69. It was noted that Mashpee Commons was <br /> seeping to do more with open space, but without regulations. Mr. Fudala had been working with <br /> Mashpee Common planners to find a solution. Mr. Fudala confirmed that Mashpee Commons <br /> would support 10% affordable housing, but not %. <br /> C. Rowley June Billings-Invoices were received in the amounts of$627.50 for regular <br /> Board services and $95 for Southport services. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to pay Mr. Rowley$627.50 and 5 for <br /> Southport. Mr. Cummings seconded the motion. All voted unanimously.. <br /> Vouchers were signed by Board members. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Chairman'sReport-No update <br /> Report on Status of Greenway Project-The Chair sent an email to DPW but had not yet <br /> heard an update. <br /> Design Review Committee-No meeting. <br /> Community Preservation Committee- To update <br /> Environmental oversightCommittee-No meeting <br /> Historic District Commission-No meeting <br /> NMR Military Civilian Community Council-Update of NIT Joint Land Use <br /> Study-No update <br /> 2 <br />