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F <br /> Mas tepee Planning Board <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> August 16, 200 at T;00 p.mlp <br /> waquoit Meeting Room, Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Planning Board Members Present; Chairman Mary wa rgan, Dennis Balzarini, JoeCummings, <br /> David Weeden, Robert (Rob)Hansen <br /> Also: Cbarles Rowley-Consulting Engineer;Maria Silva-Admin Assistant, Planning Department <br /> Absent: David Kooharian <br /> CALL To ORDER <br /> The Town of Mashpee Planning Board meeting was opened with a quorum in the Waquoit Meeting <br /> Room at Mashp ee Town Hall by the Chair, at ;oo p.m, on Wednesday, August 16, 2017. The P ledge <br /> of Allegiance was recited, <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES—August 2, 2017 <br /> MOTION: Mr.Balzarini made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Mr. Cummings <br /> seconded the motion. 3 yes, 2 abstain <br /> SPECIAL PERMIT <br /> Applicant: Naukabout Beer Company,LLC <br /> Location: 13 Labe Avenue, I ashpee,Assessors' Map 27,Bloch 4 <br /> Request: Application for Special Permit Modification for site plan change to Naukabout <br /> Beer Company project; modification to exterior siding and trim, retaining walls, patio and rain <br /> gardens <br /> The Chair read for the record the request. Peter Murner, ofl au about Beer Company, was present to <br /> discuss modifications to their Special Permit. Mr. Murner reported that they were at the end of their <br /> project but had encountered some issues on the property to include termites, asbestos and an <br /> underground tank, all of which had increased costs of the project, As a result, Naukabout was asking <br /> to phase the additional planned site work, with permission to open prior to completing work. work <br /> such as the retaining wall and outdoor patio would be completed once income was generated. 11�Ir. <br /> Murner planned to address the Historic District Commission with plans to change the board and batter <br /> siding to cedar shingles and changing the paint color from cranberry to the natural shingle siding, with <br /> white trim. <br /> Mr, Balzarini inquired about the length of time to complete the work and Mr.Murner responded that <br /> they needed to first generate the income in order to complete the work. Mr, Balzarini did not want the <br /> completion of the work to take two to three years. Mr. Balzarini felt that a public hearing would be <br /> unnecessary but expressed lois preference that a time limit of one year be established to complete the <br /> work, Chairman waygan recommended that a construction schedule be drafted. Mr. Murner <br /> expressed concern if funds were unavailable. Mr. Balzarini indicated that it was the responsibility of <br /> p _ <br /> the business owner to complete the work and anticipate costs, <br /> Chairman waygan stated that she did not have experience with Special Permits with time limits. Mr. <br /> Balzarini stated that work should be initiated within one year, adding that the outdoor space was a <br /> highlight of the protect when it was considered by the Planning Board. Chairman waygarn agreed that <br /> there was no need for a public hearing* Mr. Hansen noted that a performance bond would address <br /> l <br />