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L <br /> concerns regarding necessary funds to complete the work-, Mr. Burner stated that their goal was to <br /> obtain an occupancy permit, adding that projects such as parking would be completed. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion that a public hearing was not needed for charges <br /> suggested by Naukabout Beer Company.. <br /> Mr. Rowley recommended further review of the Special Permit to ensure that the request was <br /> acceptable with the Permit and quoted Item 13, regarding landscaping and fencing, and the potential <br /> need to change the permit. Mr. Weeden responded that the space likely required fencing due to the <br /> serving of alcohol to which Mr. Murner responded that they would fulfill all liquor liccnsing <br /> requirements, W. Murner stated that the fencing would be installed but there would be'no patio, <br /> though they would maintain the existing outdoor space. <br /> 11r. Balzarini referenced the bond and Mr. Rowley stated that the applicant was seeping occupancy <br /> without fulfilling the requirements of the Permit, requiring that the applicant provide a performance <br /> bond to complete the work. Mr. Mumer indicated that they would acquire a.performance bond. N1r, <br /> Rowley recommended reviewing the terms of the Special Permit prior to making a decision as to <br /> whether or not a public Hearing would be necessary. The Chair stated that the site did not have a large <br /> neighborhood nearby and felt that abutters would not be impacted negatively and Mr. Cummings <br /> added that the Town was the abutter. The Chair stated that the project proponent attend the next <br /> meeting and the Board could review the Permit at that time. <br /> It was clarif"ted that proof of would be necessary its advance of a.vete by the Board. qtr. <br /> Rowley confirmed that if the requirements of the Permit were not being met then it would require a <br /> performance bond in hand for the Planning Board to-vote, as long as there were no other outstanding <br /> items. Chairman waygan requested that Ms. Silva ensure that the next meeting packets include the <br /> existing Special Permit. and Modification #1. The issue will be added to the September 6 agenda. <br /> Mr. Cummings seconde.0 the notion. All voted unanimously,, <br /> Chairman waygan suggested that a construction schedule be drafted for work to be completed in phase <br /> TI and Mr. Hansen recommended a bond estimate. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Cape Cod Commission, Utilizing Mashpee Mitigation Funds-Chairman waygan read for <br /> the record the letter received from Executive Director of the Cape Cod Commission., Paul Hied wiec i <br /> regarding the available $910,470 in mitigation funds. Where was discussion regarding the belief that <br /> close to 1 million was available for affordable housing and separate funds available for transportation <br /> and nitrogen mitigation. lir. Weeden will follow up for clarification. <br /> October Town Meeting-Zoning Bylaws- The Chair reported that she was working with Ills. <br /> Silva to ensure that enough notice would be given to schedule public hearings for the proposed.honing <br /> Bylaws for the October 15 Town Meeting. <br /> ashpee Commons Zoning& Plans-The Chair requested that all members review the OSED <br /> Bylaw. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Chairman's Report- o update <br /> Report on Status of Greenway Project-Mr. Rowley and Mr. Kooharian met with Ms. Laurent <br /> and the engineering company. Mr. Rowley reported that a proposal and projected plan were discussed. <br /> 2 <br />