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r. <br /> installation of the monitoring wells. Mr. McGrath rath offered to add the note to the plan, but it was <br /> requested by the Chair that it be added to the Covenant.. Mr. McGrath agreed with adding it to <br /> the load Covenant. ` <br /> NIr, Fudala voted that the Cape Cod Commission would be calculating mitigation fees for water <br /> quality and,traffic, once notified by the building inspector of any Wilding constructed at the site. <br /> Where was discussion about it being recorded at the Registry of Deeds. <br /> Mr, Balzarini inquired about the driveway for the commercial lots and Mr. Fudala responded that <br /> it was determined by the Planning Board because it was a C-3 zone. It was confirmed that the <br /> street layout was 50 feet and pavement'was 4 Feet. A correction would be made to the scale on <br /> the plan(500 to 50), Mr. McGrath confirmed that the roadway had been sized for tractor trailers <br /> and I1ashpee's ladder truck. <br /> IVB-, Fudala inquired about the location of the monitoring wells, requesting that it be added to the <br /> plan. Mi-. McGrath confirmed-that he would submit a location, <br /> Mr. Rowley referenced.his October 27 letter. and confirmed that he had received M-. Mc rath's <br /> response. Mr-. Bowley referenced the map of monuments, noting that the new plan showed both <br /> sides approaching the open space as monu ented. Mr. Rowley pointed out that there were some <br /> spots not monumented and Mr. McGrath re'sponded that he would have it completed in the street <br /> layout. Mr. Rowley referenced the 100 year storm and recommended that any future <br /> construction be done in such a way that the runoff was contained on site and not added to the <br /> Y <br /> carnage system. <br /> Where were no additional questions from the Board. Mr. Fudala recommended a continuation in <br /> order to add the location of the wells to the recordable plan, draft the wording for the Road <br /> Covenant and develop a layout of the road bounds. There was no public comment, <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balza rin i made a motion to continue the Public Hearing to November 15 at <br /> 7;20 p.m. Mr. Cummings seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> C. Rowley September billings-Invoices in the amount of$617.50 for October services <br /> and 190 for October Southport services were received from Mr. Rowley. <br /> MOTION: Mr. B alta ri ni made a motion to pay the bills for Charles Rowley In the amount <br /> of$617.50 for Planning Board Services and $190 for Southport engineei-ing expense. Mr. <br /> ooharian seconded the notion. All voted unanimously,. <br /> Mr. Bowley confirmed that he had inspected the drainage at the Quashnet Valley Country Club <br /> Lane project. The vouchers were signed by Board members. <br /> Lucas Environ mental, LLQ'—Invitation io Comment on potential effects of 156 art, <br /> cell tomer, to be located adjacent to I ashpee Pine Station , on historic properties-Mr. <br /> Fudala reported that the Planning Board could comment on the project as it would relate to a <br /> 2 <br />