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11/1/2017 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
11/1/2017 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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historic property and it was a federal requirement,. The Chair read the notice aloud. Mr. Fudala <br /> confirmed that the site was not a historic property, clarifying that comment was welcome in the <br /> event that the cell tower could impact a historic property in the area. Mr. Fudala stated that <br /> although the Horatio Amos house was in the area, it was not likely the tower.would be seen from <br /> the house. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarix i made a motion that the.Planning Board felt there was no need to <br /> comment on this matter. lir. Ido oha ria n seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> FY19 Planning Board Budget-Mr. Fudala reported that he believed the planning <br /> Board's budget request, increasing funds for consulting, was supported. The Planning <br /> Department budget discussion resulted in a suggestion that there was little development and a <br /> question why staff, beyond a Town Planner, would be needed. The Chair stated that professional <br /> staff and advisors supported the citizen planners and the lack of such resources and information <br /> could impact the Board's ability to take risks. The Chair and Mr. Ba.lzarini had been in touch <br /> with the Town Manager's office regarding the urgency of posting the Town Planner's position, <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Status of ockway Highlands Subdivision Development-Ellen Brady and Bob vets <br /> were present, representing their property at 20 Blue Castle, Ms. Brady and Mr. vets purchased <br /> the property in September 2014, with plans to construct their retirement hone and under the <br /> impression that they would need only to widen access by 20 feet. More recently, they learned <br /> that it would cost 80 000 td build a road to their houses before being allowed to build a home. <br /> Ms. Brady expressed concern that she was not notified of the ock-way project, but it was later <br /> clarified that she was not formally notified because she was not a property owner within 300 feet <br /> of the project. Ms. Brady also sought the Board's assistance in finding a viable solution to be <br /> able to build on the lot.. 11s. Brady referenced the Subdivision Control Law and the fact that <br /> other hones were built after the establishment of the law, but were not Meld accountable. Ms. <br /> Brady had been meeting with new development owner, Mr. Morin, <br /> Mr. Fudala stated that the lot was not buildable since 1971* when it was determined that a lot was <br /> unbuildable without frontage on a road. Mr. Fudala confirmed that there were homes built <br /> illegally. It was also confirmed that the property owners would need to build a road stretching <br /> the length of their frontage as well as the road necessary to access their property. Mr. Fudala <br /> stated that it was not in the jurisdiction of the planning Board to waive zoning. Fudala <br /> detailed the definition of a street as a public way laid out by the town road or previously <br /> approved subdivision road, but later added as a way approved by the Planning Board as adequate <br /> access to an abutting property. Mr. Morin planned to further consider the third option.. The <br /> Chair stated that the Planning Board would authorize Mr. Rowley to work with Mr. Lorin <br /> regarding the issue. Mr. Fudala stated that only two of the owners had been in c6ntaet, leaving a <br /> gap in the pavement, There was discussion about$80,000, as proposed by Mr. Morin, to <br /> complete the-work and whether it was ars accurate figure to extend the pavement. Mr. Rowley <br /> would not mare decisions on behalf of the Board but would discuss the matter further with Iliiā¢. <br /> Morin regarding the available options, <br /> 3 <br />
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