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r <br /> cars. Mr. Oppenheim confirmed that the recyclables would consist only of material that would <br /> not be suitable waste to allow time for proper disposal. The Chair suggested that the term "waste <br /> ban items" be added. Regarding rail cars, Mr. Cavossa stated that the full rail cars would be <br /> covered and placed on the rail spur and possibly picked up two times per week. There was <br /> discussion regarding rail ear issues during the operations of the UCRTS. Mr. Cavossa noted that <br /> the rail cars would be out of his control. Mr. Costello will add the appropriate language and <br /> expeditious movement not to exceed one week. <br /> The contractor requested an additional provision in ease the rail track spur was eliminated, <br /> allowing for renegotiation of the fees or termination of the agreement, Mr. Jack disagreed with <br /> the unilateral right to termination, particularly if the rail was not being used in the operation. Mr. <br /> avossa responded that his current business plan required the rail, but that it may not be <br /> necessary in five years. Mr. Costello suggested eliminating the unilateral termlhation but expand <br /> the option to renegotiate to work out good faith adjustments. There was agreement among Board <br /> members. Mr. Oppenheim suggested that language include `could lead to termination' and there <br /> was agreement from Board members. <br /> Mr. Costello indicated that lie would develop a final draft of agreement by the end of the week. <br /> Chairman Laurent inquired about the document references and Mr. Costello described them as <br /> Non price proposal, Price Proposal, written Responses, RFP and Addendums 1 & 2. <br /> Regarding CDL Testing, Mr. Costello cot-ifirmed that no final agreement or license had been <br /> reached with MassDOT regarding a specific location. The layout of the-existing CDL facility <br /> had been laid out on a plan and any future site would be comparable to the existing layout. Mr. <br /> avossa was hoping that CIL eotild be relocated to the salt storage arca. All were in agreement. <br /> Mr, Costello confirmed that the Cavossa contract would tale precedence since it would be <br /> executed first. <br /> Ir. Costello was authorized by the Board to make the appropriate changes to the-contract. The <br /> Chair inquired whether the Board wished to tale a vote today to approve the contract subject to <br /> finalization and execution at the next meeting. Mr. Jack agreed and Mr. Tilton expressed his <br /> preference to listen to public comment and vote after reviewing the final document. Mr, Costello <br /> stated that issues needed to be reviewed today with the Board, but they will be satisfied with the <br /> terms of the contract in the final draft. Mr. Tilton expressed his a.ppreci ation for the efforts of all <br /> parties to draft the contract, <br /> Mr. Barrett stated that he would bot vote on a final contract until his Board of Selectmen <br /> reviewed the contract. Bourne wished to delay the issue so that all potential options for the rail <br /> trail could be reviewed, the least expensive option being the elimination of the rail line, Mr. <br /> Barrett read a statement issued by the Bourne Board of Selectmen, who requested that the Board <br /> of Managers delay their vote for the final contract. -Mr. Barrett stated that-he intended to vote no <br /> to any provision that included rail and would abstain if it did not include rail because he as not <br /> authorized to vote on behalf of Bourne. Mr. Barrett will forward the finalized contract to the <br /> Board of Selectmen as soon as it was available. At next week's vote, Mr. Barrett stated that he <br /> would make a motion to delay the vote to spear further with the Bourne Rail Frail members. <br /> 4 <br />