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The Chair,opened comment to the public. <br /> Ken Chetlin of the Bourne Rail Trail read a prepared statement, included with the doeu' ments <br /> listed, regarding last year's bike trail connection study and the tremendous suppor-t it received. <br /> The statement referenced the rail trail as a great enhancement, popular activity and a to-Urism <br /> improvement. Concern about the UCRTS contract using the rail was expressed because it was <br /> believed that it was net in the hest interest of the upper Cape. <br /> Don Plecard referenced recent minutes and indicated that he had reviewed the charters of the <br /> member towns and determined that the Board of Managers were a procedural, separate body <br /> from the Board of Selectmen and therefore unable to sign contracts, only the Town Manager or <br /> Administrator could sign a contract,-unless all towns signed an IMA., Mr, Costello confirmed <br /> that the IMA was signed by all Boards of Selectmen and believed that the Board, therefore, had <br /> the right to enter into contracts. Mr. Costello spoke with Falmouth Town Counsel who also <br /> agreed. <br /> Mark Emmons was an abutter to the railroad tracks and requested that the Board slow down to <br /> better evaluate land use to benefit the public rather than a private entity, Mr. Emmons also <br /> expressed concern regarding an increase in i <br /> p nsurance rates based on the handling of D. <br /> Patricia Johnson expressed a concern about the renewal of the contract and felt that for planning <br /> purposes for public use of the tracks, there-should not be an automatic option to renew the <br /> contract. Mr. Costello stated that the updated language would include that it was the option of <br /> the Board to extend the contract after analysis of whether it was in the best interest'o f the,public <br /> to extend the contract, <br /> Alice Howe wished to remind Mr. ,lacy in the last set of minutes that he would not vote for an <br /> award until bringing the contract back to Falmouth and that Chairman Laurent voted to enter <br /> negotiations and return to the towns for a vote. <br /> Chairman Laurent stated that she received a number of emails, copies included with the record <br /> and listed below, and summarized their contents. August 1, 2017, John Speers email supporting <br /> use of the rail at the UCRTS and bike trail options that did not interfere with the railroad. <br /> August 1, 2017, Robert Metell, Reactivation of Otis Rail Spur email supporting use of rail to <br /> reduce truck traffic and increase efficiency. August 2, 2017,-Andy Froth Email Regarding <br /> Deactivation of the Otis Railroad Spur and UCRTS supporting the rehabilitation of the Otis <br /> Railroad spur and describing it as an economical way to move freight and people and <br /> opportunity to reduce truck traffic, August 2, 2017, Jeff Corey Email Regarding Otis Train Line <br /> which would allow growth of the economy on the upper Cape, <br /> Ms, Lowe reiterated her comment to Mr. ,lack about the last set of minutes. Mr. Jack responded <br /> that he had presented the IFIL process and negotiations for a contract with Mr, Cavossa and the <br /> terns of the contract to his Board of Selectmen. Mr. Jack stated that the UCRTS Board of <br /> Managers was the awarding.authority'of the contract. <br /> 5 <br />