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together on this investigation. Needless to say most of our Oyster stock for the rest of the <br /> Oyster season has been depleted from Mashpee Neck Landing. <br /> Ashley Fisher Shellfish Constable: The Natural Resources Department's shellfish division will be <br /> hosting a series of volunteer outreach events to be taking place at the town Library in February, <br /> March, April, May and June. While holding these presentations and events we hope to educate <br /> the public about the local shellfish propagation occurring and how it will benefit our waterways. <br /> We are also hoping to gain at least 100 volunteers to help out with shellfish propagation, <br /> shellfish gear construction and water quality. <br /> Two shellfish aquaculture license applications will be going in front of the Board of Selectmen <br /> February 11th. One is for a new license in Ockway Bay (Bohnenberger) and the other is an <br /> existing license area expansion in Hamblin Pond (Burtis), both of which have already come to <br /> the Board and the Shellfish Commission in the past. The two applicants are prepared to start <br /> the permitting process once they have received their approval from the Board of Selectmen. <br /> >Don MacDonald MWC reported a notice will be sent out on dates scheduled for water <br /> quality survey/training. He also noted a Spring Newsletter would be sent out on <br /> Mashpee/Wakeby Lake and Johns Pond. A copy of WQ schedule of training will be sent to <br /> Terrie Cook and she will send to Town TV folks for posting to the public. <br /> Ken Bates MWC reported The Little River Channel in Waquoit has been dredged by Beacon <br /> Marine with sand deposited in Town South Cape Beach parking lot. Pre-dredge and post- <br /> dredge surveys were provided by BSC. BSC completed a survey (Little River Channel Extensions <br /> Project) of Little River channel from Town Line in Waquoit to a few hundred feet into Hamblin <br /> Pond. A part of that same survey was of Great River from the Little River Channel to a few <br /> hundred feet into Jehu Pond including connection to the Great River Ramp.. This will be the <br /> base information for creating a new permit that eventually will be brought under our Town <br /> Comprehensive Permit. The new work will be improvement Dredging. <br /> The Popponesset Approach Channel was surveyed by the County in late December for a dredge <br /> to be completed by April Vt. We are waiting for the County to complete its dredging schedule <br /> and notify us when we will be dredged. <br /> Catherine Laurent the DPW director noted the Ockway Bay Parking lot is scheduled to have final <br /> grading-start mid-February—with blacktopping/line painting to follow. Completion of project <br /> will be by Memorial Day, <br /> Mr. Richard Noonan was interviewed by the Commission to replace Mr. Don Barton who has <br /> previously resigned from the Commission. Mr. Noonan presented himself to the MWC along <br /> with his resume. He indicated his interest in waterways as he has been a boater for the past 35 <br />