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Mashpee Wakeby LakeManagement <br /> Committee <br /> January 22,2019 <br /> 7:30 PM <br /> Mashpee Town Fall <br /> Meeting called by Brian Mauro <br /> Type of meeting: Monthly <br /> Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Attendees: Members: Brian Mauro, Donald MacDonald, Barbara Nichols <br /> Guests: <br /> The minutes of the November 27, 2018 meeting were accepted as written after a motion by Brian Mauro <br /> and second by Don MacDonald <br /> Agenda topics <br /> [Agenda topic 1] Lake level/River outflow <br /> Discussion: Barbara took the lake measurements in December on the 1St and 10'. The lake was at 55.6 <br /> and 55.5 feet above sea level,with 15.5 and 15.25 inches of water flowing over the board closest to the <br /> lake. There were 13.5 and 12.5 inches of water in the stream by the stairs. Barbara reported 6.4 inches of <br /> water in her rain gauge. Measurements were reported to Drew McManus in Conservation. Concerns about <br /> the high water level so early in the season were voiced. Once the lake level rises above 55.5, erosion starts <br /> to occur. Drew removed some boards in the fish way on December 20th. <br /> The January reading were done on the 1St and 16t". With continued high precipitation, the level had risen <br /> to 55.7 and 55.5 feet above sea level with 18 and 14.25 inches of water flowing over the board closest to <br /> the lake. There were 15 and 12.5 inches of water in the stream by the stairs. Barbara reported 6.5 inches <br /> of rain in her gauge. Measurements were reported to Drew McManus in Conservation, and on January 3, <br /> 2019, he removed more boards. <br /> Poison ivy and brush growing in on the path remain. <br /> Conclusions: Boards have been removed by Conservation to try and lower the lake level. <br /> [Agenda topic 2] Harbormaster:Position <br /> Discussion: John Santangelo is filling in as Harbormaster until a new candidate is appointed. He can be <br /> reached in the Natural Resources office. Barbara spoke with John and he reported that testing for the new <br /> candidates would be held the fourth week of this month, and they planned to have the new Harbormaster <br /> appointed before the spring boating season. <br /> Conclusions: The new harbormaster should be in place before spring. <br />