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[Agenda topic 3] Fresh Water Quality Monitoring;, <br /> Discussion: Mike Rapacz was unable to attend the meeting. There was no new information on the 2017 <br /> lake water quality testing from S Mass in Dartmouth. <br /> Conclusions: There is no news about the 2017 water quality testing. <br /> [Agenda topic 4]Ramp Repair <br /> Discussion: Don reported from Waterways that the state has given permission for the Town to repair, <br /> with State reimbursement,the State ramps at Mashpee and John's Ponds. Waterways has proposed for the <br /> May Town meeting that $15000 be approved for ramp scraping in fresh or salt water ramps in town. <br /> The Town will have access to a long armed excavator to do the job. The ramp areas should be repaired <br /> before the boating season. <br /> Conclusions: Waterways will request Town meeting support for the ramp scraping. <br /> [Agenda topic 51 Letters to Town Manager <br /> Selectman Gottlieb <br /> Discussion: Mike Rapacz emailed that he felt the committee should send a letter to the Town about <br /> increasing the budget to cover the changes proposed on the lake at our September meeting, for example <br /> increased Harbormaster hours. Mike offered to write the letters and members agreed. Even though budget <br /> requests may already be in place, it would serve as a reminder to the Town that increased harbormaster <br /> coverage on the lake is needed. <br /> Conclusions: Mike will send letters from the committee requesting budget support. <br /> {Agenda Topic 61 Debris Left at Town Ramp <br /> Discussion: Brain Mauro reported that a box spring and mattress had been dumped over the banking at the <br /> turn area of the State Ramp. Members wondered if the camera placed there would identify the person <br /> dumping them off. Don will email Catherine at DPW,Natural Resources, Waterways and Selectman <br /> Gottlieb requesting clean up. <br /> Conclusions: Debris needs to be removed from the State ramp area. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />