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11/22/1982 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
11/22/1982 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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Page 40 <br /> and you made them known to the press . " Sel . Garland, " I 'd `like to subscribe <br /> to your position, in regards to the medea, but I am afraid I can' t . "If we had <br /> gone the executive route, regardless of the Chiefs findings there would always <br /> be that cloud, that we were trying to cover something. " Chm. Thomas , "and <br /> you have the time..element. " Sel. Garland, "at the onset of this meeting, the <br /> Chairman of the Board asked each of you individually whether or not you wanted <br /> an executive session, and you both declined. " Firefighter Martini , "that is . <br /> correct, and we declined for a reason, because we were already thrown into this <br /> form. " Sel. Garland, "you were thrown in but not of your own doing. " Sgt. <br /> Cooper, "I would of just as soon have had this taken care of by my own Chief. ' <br /> I don ' t think it was appropriate at all especially when there is a criminal <br /> investigation. " Chm. Thomas , "Chief Frye, do you want to say anything?" Chief <br /> Frye, "What I am concerned about is if these men were guilty of these accusa- <br /> tions who would be responsible for- the disciplinary action?" Chm. Thomas said, <br /> "Myself I didn't think they were guilty. " Chief Frye , "if it did happen, it <br /> would be out of my hands, it would be in the Selectmen' s hands to give out the <br /> disciplinary action, because the hearing is before you and not before me, that <br /> that would`°be* by-passing my general order. " Chm. Thomas , "you are right in <br /> what you are saying. " Chm. Thomas said, " it is her recommendation that a letter <br /> be sent to Mrs . Tremblett and let her know that unless she puts the complaint <br /> in writing, that we find the conduct of both officers above reproach, and it <br /> would be up to her to pursue this herself. ' Do you agree?" Chm. Thomas called <br /> informal hearing to an end, Board thanked gentlemen for coming. <br /> 1. 1 On Curtis Woodbury' s inquiry whether he could join the Blue Cross/Blue <br /> Shield, the Board's comment was that the policy on this was previously <br /> addopted, <br /> 21 ) Board discussed the demolition materials at the dump. Executive Secretary <br /> explained whey this was on the agenda. He said nothing much can be done <br /> until we find out what is going to happen between the Board of Health and <br /> the Selectmen, - Board also discussed the memo from the Board of Health re- <br /> garding the safety policy statement. Board recommends Executive Secretary <br /> reply to the memo and stay within the issues of the safety policy statement. <br /> 3. ) On the application from Andy' s Market for two video games , the permit was <br /> denied. The Board in the motion for denial stated that it felt video games <br /> were inappropriate when located in areas where alcoholic beverages could <br /> be purchased for consumption not on the premises . Executive Secretary is <br /> to notify the owner and ask them to remove the two machines which were <br /> installed previously without permit. <br /> 4 . ) The Board discussed the letters from Mr. Joel A, Ferner, and the Self- <br /> Help grant . The reimbursement figures were also discussed. Executive <br /> Secretary informed the Board that we have heard nothing from MCAD, but <br /> that he had forwarded a letter to them requesting the information necessa- <br /> ry, <br /> 5.. ) On the bill from Dr. Lewis for Fred Peters , Chm. Thomas said we have to <br /> pay, Board discussed situations where Doctors request patient to return, <br /> 6 . ) The condition of Hooppole Road was discussed. After Chm. Thomas explained <br /> that Mrs. Martarios was in and said that they could not get the 50% <br /> signature from the abutters, and the road had 11 huge potholes that they <br /> had counted, she asked for some guidance. Sel, Garland suggested that <br /> the Executive . Secretary write to Mrs , Martarios and recommend that they <br /> pay so much to the Town for materials and labor and the Highway Department <br />
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