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of n of C ag4pee <br /> py$ P. 0. BOX 1 108 <br /> MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : 2/20/85 P. 3 <br /> The Board agreed to the idea of bending the road 'to go with the contour, <br /> as they felt they would have a difficult time building it as shown on <br /> the plan. <br /> The Board still felt this development would be better done as a cluster due <br /> to the severe topo of the site . Mr. Grogan said he didn't want to get <br /> involved in the special permit process . <br /> Mr. Dubin said 'it seemed to be the concensus of the Board that this wasn't <br /> an optimum plan and they will work out the problems at later stages . <br /> Mr. Raymond, for the subdivision abutting this one , said he spoke to <br /> Mr. Maloon (Grogan's engineer) about the geometry of Hollow Rd . and they <br /> will come to an agreement on it . <br /> Mr. Grogan left a revised copy for the Board . <br /> Petitioner: Jon Jacobi <br /> Submitted by: Chris Costa <br /> Type of Plan: Preliminary <br /> Location: <br /> There was a problem with the submission. Mr. Costa said it was filed <br /> with the Town Clerk on February 11 and that constitutes a submission. <br /> The Board informed him according to the rules and regulations it is not <br /> considered a submission until it 's before the Planning Board or mailed <br /> by registered mail to the Board in care of the Town Clerk and not by <br /> hand delivery. <br /> Mr. Marsters made a motion to nitify Mr. Jacobi that they Board doesn't <br /> consider the plan as being properly submitted prior to this meeting and <br /> therefore they can't accept it because it doesnf,t meet the zoning re- <br /> quirements . Mr. Jonas seconded and all voted in favor. <br /> The Board said they would consult Town Counsel and placed Mr. Costa on <br /> the agenda for March 6. Mr. Costa took back all the plans and Form B <br /> and paid no fee . <br /> Dee Talin came before the Board for preliminary revision of the Quina- <br /> quisset Realty Trust plan. Mr. Rowley had a report . <br /> Mr. Marsters made a motion to accept the preliminary subject to making <br /> corrections as stated in Mr. Rowley's letter of 2/20/85 . Mr. Jonas <br /> seconded and all voted in favor. They gave her a copy of Mr. Rowley's <br /> letter. <br />