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2 <br /> "An Open Space Multi-family Levelopment may be allowed in R-3M <br /> and R-4 zoning districts in accordance with the following pro- <br /> cedure and standards and then delete zoning districts R- 1 <br /> and R2 and replace with: Zoning district ii-3in so that the first <br /> phrase reads as follows: "Si.te eligibility - a parcel ofJand <br /> located in zoning district l;-3.. containing at least twenty acres. <br /> and 9. 321-- Delete and replace with the follwing: The parcel A <br /> to be developed with attached or detached single-family dwelling <br /> units at a density not to exceed y- units per acre in the R-4 <br /> aistrict and 1 unit per acre in the 1:-ji% district. The big <br /> chane here is for the 1 unit per acre on the -3m whefe <br /> presently you would have 3. Will ask for an introduction <br /> froia the Board of 5electiaen. <br /> i�. `ferry : We have discussed this at Jength for over a year <br /> before finally deciding when the appropriate time to do it is. <br /> ;Ve made a decision to bring in the town, feeling that the <br /> townspeople wanted to see a move towards higher requirements <br /> or acreage per lot. I thins in direct response to feedback <br /> we got from the townspeoplg we decided to put this in front <br /> of the people February 11 . <br /> Chairman t;Citizens of Sensible Growth In l,jashppe"-- We are a <br /> group of 20 people. Uur stated purpose is land in use of growth <br /> which not only protects Viashpee, and eir. Terry' s comment , <br /> "Sone things weren' t fair to all taxpayers . . " , I think the <br /> increase to 1 to 20,000 sq. ft. will hurt alot of landowners. <br /> ;le have reobtained a city planner to help us and help the town. <br /> Eduardo Lozano from Cambridge gill explain what we are thinking <br /> of and why the change is not good at this time. <br /> Eduardo Lozano: I am Lozano Assoc. of Cambridge and are <br /> advisors for Citizens for Growth in Mashpee. We have done a <br /> series of Master plans and other studies in the Commonwealth <br /> including Barnstable, Danvers, Woburn, Newton, Chicago, and <br /> INAshington. We oppose Article 1 widespread acre lot in Mash- <br /> pee. Our major concern on these 4 parts: to plan properly <br /> and to take some time. We think the necessary support for <br /> the town planner; you could have much better results for the <br /> committee. We are in full agreement with environmental guide <br /> lines of 1 unit per acre. The difference is a ratio. This is <br /> not a design, not a specific zoning by law, not a master plan; <br /> it is a ratio.: 'We are in full agreement with your tactic of <br /> water protection. If ;you read the work we did for Barnstablk, <br /> I can lead you to the area of water and the problems exceeding <br /> it in geological terms. Why are we against that. Because <br /> Article 1 may in doubt soon realizing and making Niashpee <br /> another Framingham etc. and is going to disperse homegenously <br /> 1 house per acre all throughout town. Eventually, you may <br /> stimulate more growth which is against what you want to do. <br /> The mistake is to confuse the ratio from the acre with plan- <br /> ning or designing actual physical element as well as the <br /> mistake that growth can be controlled by putting up this type <br /> of regulation. There is room for maneuver ; you may have time <br /> to achieve consensus. We are not pretending that we can <br /> bring solutions, orproposals. �iy best advice--no time to wa-.e. <br />