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5 <br /> It is a complicated piece of legislation. They have all said : . <br /> it to me, "If you are going to build on the nonconforming lot <br /> or expand your use or intensity. your use , we feel better if <br /> you got a Variance" . That ' s inmost cases. You go to a bank <br /> and they require a plot plan to get a mortgage, you want to <br /> sell. `1'o get that mortgage, the attorney is going to say the <br /> town doesn' t try to prevent you, from building at all, you' ve <br /> done everything by the book, they' ve done the grandfather* <br /> clause. They' vecbne everything to make it easy for you but <br /> you still lie in an R3M 40,000 sq. ft. zone and you have only <br /> a z acre lot. Go get your variance. You have the right to go <br /> to the Board of Appeals for a variance. If you don' t have a <br /> right to the variance you've got to show hardship. Technically <br /> hardship and the four things you have to comply with the Board <br /> of Appeals to get the hardship is not an easy task. Let' s <br /> suppose you had a neighbor who didn' t like an addition or like <br /> you or whatever, and he objects to your application for that <br /> variance ; you won' t get the variance. In my view, it' s the <br /> little guy, little owner of the 1 house and the 1 lot and right <br /> now he is going to be seriously affected, because the owners <br /> of large tracts of land which be in this R1 R2 area; they <br /> protect themselves. They have the legal expertise, the know- <br /> ledge and are presenting plans to the planning board so they <br /> are alright. So that any idea that all 6f us are going to <br /> vote yea for acre zoning and is going to solve all of aur <br /> problems is really a delusion. I would hope that iiashpee <br /> wouldn' t be saddled, speaking personally, with all thse new <br /> plans that have come in and will be voted and carried through <br /> if this change in voting in zoning is allowed and okayed. <br /> It would be a mi.stai-.e at this time. I think there are other <br /> ways to do it. r•iost important think I want to het across; <br /> we are ourselves , the lot owner and hole 3v ner. One thing <br /> vie can do if we want to pass zone is to pass it , but exempt <br /> it for the i-'opponessetss , �aconsetts Islands , john' s Pond , <br /> rirates Cove and antuit Moods; to establish, develop the <br /> character of the nei., ..borhood that is already there. <br /> ,. i)ubia; On the issue as to whether to passihis article, <br /> we will create a flood of variance applications in the existing <br /> neighborhoods. I disaggee with your characterization of 5.52 <br /> as vague or as something that ' s going to bother bank attorneys. <br /> I don' t agree with the proposition that people will have to go <br /> to the Board of Appeals. I think the proposed bylaws ; Joe <br /> Reardon thinks its valid and I think It ' ll get passed this stage <br /> then its a question whether it ' s so vague as to confuse lawyers <br /> It says we have 1 undeveloped nonconforming lot you can put 1 <br /> house on it, so the average guy is not going to be affected. <br /> I think it ' s wrong to say the average guy is going to get a <br /> variance. <br /> r <br />