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2/4/1985 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
2/4/1985 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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6 <br /> R.E.Developer: Because we have a controversey and because some <br /> attorneys in Boston have said its 99;b, the intent is there , <br /> but because there might be a difference of opinion, they wanted <br /> to confirm it with a variance. I' ve seen t his. I have a oase <br /> pending, depending on what happens with zoning, thdir going to <br /> require the individual to get a variance , just to be insured <br /> everything is alright. That is the type of thing by exemp- <br /> tion of the existing neighborhood could be eliminated. <br /> R.Dubin : A good point , but you can' t say if we passthis <br /> article then everybody is going to need a variance. Some <br /> attorneys are more rigorous in their demands than others. A few <br /> may want it but not on a large scale. I think everyone will <br /> agree that this is not a cure all. It will not stop the growth <br /> of the town, stop it from being suburbanized, or stop it from <br /> turning into what the other towns are like because zoning itself <br /> is not going to change that. 'Long-term planning may, but <br /> insofar as my opinion, the gown starts to buy land; that' s the <br /> proven way to set all the space aside. Normally you can' t do <br /> that with zoning. Zoning is a planning tool. The zoning map <br /> isn' t the way to stop growth, it' s not constitutional. I would <br /> say if you use that as an argument against this article and <br /> that to me is not on the point. It is not a cure all, but it <br /> comes down to the bottom line. . .What is the optimum lot size? <br /> R.L. Developer : There' s alot more that has to go into dis- <br /> cussion other than what the optimum lot size is. When you <br /> talk about the single family home on 40,000 sq. ft. , you have <br /> to realize from the towns point cf view, we have no control <br /> over the bedrooms ; 3 - 4 bedrooms 5 - 6 people and that type of <br /> growth and what does that type of growth if its the exclusive <br /> type of .growth. What can it do to the town of Mashpee iLe. <br /> schools. Conversely, if you could say the only growth is 1 <br /> bedroom multi-family on 30 acres, 2 units per acre , the town <br /> then can control the number of bedrooms. So , instead of 4 <br /> bedrooms in 1 house per acre you have 2 bedrooms for 1 unit <br /> for acre. Also, the Falmouth Enterprise had an editorial <br /> stating, "Recognizing the fact he town had a great deal of con- <br /> trol when t came to multi-family, they can practically pres- <br /> cribe what that developer is going to build , what it' s going <br /> to look like, whereits going to go, water ystern, sewerage <br /> system, all those things. They do not have that control when <br /> it comes to single family homes" . 3o, here' s another trade-off <br /> Do we want control, do we want strings attached, do we want to <br /> keep -the density and the bedrooms down, do we want to rnix? <br /> Or on the other hand , do we want to go all the acrd. <br /> R. Dubin : That may be true , but you don' t want to overlook <br /> the obvious. If you change from 1 to acre you can afford to <br /> have an extra bedroom or 2 in each _house. <br />
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