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7 <br /> R. L. lleveloper But the character of development is different <br /> Yes we can as far as water and sewerage is concerned. <br /> But <br /> what about the impact on town services? The schools in a <br /> traditional community _Z92 , 501 of the budget, and in Niashpee <br /> only about 29;o. If you put this and programmed it cut , if we <br /> went all single family acre zoning, exclusivelylbr the next <br /> 10 years , we are going to be in the process and planning of <br /> guilding larger schools, than if we have a reasonable mix. <br /> R. Dubin: I don' t disagree if we encourage single family, <br /> we may have more impact on the schools then we would if we were <br /> to encourage multi-family. Wel- re not excluding multi-family <br /> under the proposed change. <br /> (Audience comment) : Taking into consideration all ofthe <br /> preliminary plans that have been filed and will be filed, <br /> what percentage age of the town are we taling Joout. How <br /> much is left to be affected? <br /> R. �;Iiuban: In the future, about 10 - 25'P of the town by the <br /> you are finished looking at the existing subdivisions <br /> all the plans we rave submitted recently. <br /> 1:r. Nelson: y vioulu strongly suggest, that the damage has <br /> really been done. Taking a look at the 323 lots ; weYave been <br /> badly taken because the door was open. When this thing came up <br /> we sent no more plans in until this article was started. I <br /> suggest we put the hole through it now and regroup and re- <br /> formulate. <br /> 1{. Lubin: On that point , wecon' t have any legal mechanism <br /> to refuse to accept plans under the state law. It is some- <br /> thing that cant really be done. <br /> Eduardo Lozano _- If you approve this article most likely <br /> most people would feel its their last chance to do some- <br /> thing. Rationaily or irrationally it w ould'be like shouting <br /> fire in a theatre. Another misconception is to get land is <br /> by buying land ; it is expensive. <br /> Earl 1�iarsters The constitution of U. 6. was constructed to <br /> protect people from government and people being able to protect <br /> their land is an exercise of that power. I' d like to go back <br /> and describethis article. It is a drastic change ; were <br /> jumping up to 1 acre all over town. At the present time we <br /> have some 15,000 sq. ft areas, some 22 ,500 sq. ft. areas. <br /> In some cases we are tripling, others doubling. The other <br /> thing we are doing is reducing the density of multi-family <br /> from 2 units per acre to 1 . In essence, we are eliminating <br /> multi-family I don' t know if that' s wise. iviulti.-family is <br /> good for some people, it ' s good for the town in many ways. <br /> As far as optinum lot size ; there is nonsuch thing. It varies, <br /> depends where you are , what the Land will absorb. We should <br /> allow varied lot sizes and multi-family still being econimicaly <br /> viable. I feel that this article is what caused the greatest <br />