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2/4/1985 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
2/4/1985 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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8 <br /> amount of growth Mashpee has ever seen. I think we should have <br /> approached it indirectly in gradual steps or we wouldn' t be <br /> shocking these people into protecting theirland. However, we <br /> proposed it and as people have said , there are alot of plans <br /> in there now. No one can predict how many of those will be c! <br /> dropped if this article is defeated, but you have to keep in <br /> mind is that' s the danger. What to consider if this article <br /> is defeated, we have to take time and do it in a gradual way. <br /> Will we gain or lose? Many lots have been created, many will <br /> die if this article dies , but many will go through because <br /> they have been decided. <br /> R. Jonaa : I' m not going to bell you how to vote, not going <br /> to say your kids aren' t going to college, or the bank is go- <br /> ing turn you down etc. Improved upgraded density makes a <br /> whole lot of sense to me. There' s overdensity in this town <br /> this is one of the ways to slowing it down. <br /> R.E. Developer There is one thing we can forecast if this <br /> article passes. You are going to get the growth for sure <br /> because none of those petitioners with those plans for the <br /> planning board can economically take and drmp those plans. <br /> They will be forced to go ahead and get them approved , put <br /> them on the market and sell them. That' s a fact. <br /> R. Dubin : Growth is inevitable. I think everyone would like <br /> to see reduced growth and actualy fairly easy to vote for <br /> this article like this. The best thing we can do along with <br /> intensified planning, is to try to buy open space. That' s <br /> when you can accomplish something. If we don' t act now it <br /> won' t be there when we get ready to spend the money. I <br /> think with this article we can encourage a certain amount of <br /> additional growth that we vouldn' t otherwise see. On the <br /> other hand, we' ll reduce some of the land that hasn' t been <br /> subdivided. It ' s going to be a trade-off. Earl and I dis- <br /> cussed it and Jbund that no one can accurately predict it will <br /> reduce the number of houses you have in town 10 years from now. <br /> It ' s not going to reduce it dramatically due to the nature of <br /> the system. We couldn' t make a change at this point and time <br /> that would accomplish that purpose no matter what we wanted to <br /> do. It doesn' t mean you vote against it because it won' t have <br /> all the results you might hope for. If it had some of them, <br /> then I think a person would vote for the article. <br /> i�.E. Developer: What ' s the technical purpose of including <br /> the established neighborhoods ie. Lonomscoy, aesonnsett , Johns <br /> Pond? <br />
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