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J <br /> R, Dubin That ' s the way zoning maps normally work. You <br /> don' t specifically change a general area because there ' s <br /> one existing neighborhood in it. I don' t think onveyances are <br /> going to leave problems with that grandfather clause. I think <br /> grandfather supplements the zoning map and that will make it <br /> clear to people the established neighborhoods aren' t affected <br /> by the change in the zoning map, insofar as the owner meets <br /> the criteria of the new 5.5• <br /> jj.L. beyeloper : I' d like to believe it and I now what the <br /> intent is. There ' s a gray area here. . I still fail to see the <br /> prattical season why a iiono:,iscoy or Fjeconnsett is going; to be <br /> acre zonin- when. that entire area has been subdivided and is <br /> a record of it so. <br /> (Audience ) One of the concerns withiliashpee is on the federal <br /> program, is where do we get the money? It ' s xiice to say <br /> riaslipee can purchase land, but there is no honey <br /> i own 2 lots, 1 house , 1 site. If we were at the present time , <br /> the estiwa,: of 2500 , 3500 new lots in Piashpee , that means <br /> 2500 - 3500 potential new homes in i'liashpee; that doesn' t mean <br /> condominiums. Out of those new homes, we are looking at <br /> possibly 1 child per new home. That is one tremendous load on <br /> the school system we presently have; 2500 - 3500 possible <br /> children. Also, there would be a tremendous load on the police <br /> and fire depts. I' m not saying I' rn for 40,000 sq. ft. or against <br /> Line thing for sure , if half of those people who put in for <br /> those particular lots were to say forget it because we voted <br /> against 40,000 sq. ft. , we could eliminate possible 1500 new <br /> homes. iiaybe down the road, if we have some of the money, <br /> then to purchase some of the property that developer wanted <br /> to put in. If you got 2500 - 3500 new lots to be sold, that <br /> developer is going to sell them and we cannot purchase those <br /> lots at a price that we would be able to if we bought 'from <br /> that particular developer. <br /> Anyone who has filed for development or subdivision at this <br /> point is doing it to protect the interest they have on those <br /> lots and if they didn' t file it today, they' ll file it tom- <br /> morrow. If we don' t pass the bill they' ll file it next year <br /> and they are still going to build houses one way or another. <br /> And the next time you pass some sort of a threat to move on the <br /> buildability of those houses or lots they are going to do the <br /> same thing today. <br /> R. Dubin -- We ' ve gotten to the point land is so expensive <br /> and if we want to purchase land, it will take a big bite out <br /> of everyones tax bill. If we want to preserve open space <br /> that is the only known way to do it. <br />