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Tolun of Cmaslippe <br /> P. 0. Box 1108 <br /> MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br /> PIAWNTMG BOARD MINUTES : 1/2/85 Page 2 <br /> in all this time . W . henway said it was not the petitioner ' s intent <br /> to deprive any access , <br /> !�lrn 17uub-lin said the public hearing would be continued and that this would <br /> serve as notice to the Carl <br /> sons and he asked Mr, Benway to notify anyohter <br /> people who should have been notified . he also asked that the petitione-j-, <br /> get together with the Carlsons before coming back . The public hearing <br /> was continued to 1/16/W <br /> Petitioner : Park Place Realty <br /> Submitted by: Robert Raymond <br /> Type of Plan: Preliminary Plan discussion <br /> Location: Off Rte , 130 <br /> Mr . Raymond brought in a layout of the abutting property as the Ward had <br /> recommended , Mr . Marsters said they wanted one big plan and not threee <br /> separate plans so they can see how the parcel relates to adjacent property , <br /> 7r , Audala pointed that they had wiped out Noisy Dole Rd . br . Parsters <br /> said it 's a good future cross-town road and should be kept part of the map , <br /> "e said it should be straightined out and put in same general direction <br /> and tied in, <br /> Mr , jonas questioned the layout of Noisy Hole ad . as shown on the locus <br /> map and Kr, '''ars ter asked Or . Raymond to take another look at it and <br /> verify the accuracy of the layout , <br /> "r , Rowley said if there was a chance of the plan being incorporated witil <br /> adjacent property, they should do something different than the one long <br /> straight road . rr , Parstens agreed they could put the two together and <br /> make it different , <br /> There was discussion on the condition of Noisy Hole Rdo and the Boa.ra <br /> felt it was passable by car . Mr. Rowley said in terms of the future , if <br /> they should keep the layout they should tie something into Rte . 13V <br /> The Board said for K- . Raymond to come to the next meeting and verify the <br /> location of Noisy Mole Rd . , Provide the best layout via a cross-town <br /> connector to where he thinks Noisy Hole Rd , actually comes and tie it An . <br /> He should also note how far away the paving is from the subdivision and <br /> see what it looks like on the other side of Noisy Hole Rd . <br />