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Mashpee Inclusion &Diversity Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> March 12, 2019 at 10:00 am <br /> Mashpee Town Hall-Waquoit Meeting Room <br /> Present: Vice Chairwoman Winnie Johnson-Graham, Gail Wilson, Lynne Waterman, JoAnn <br /> Nadeau, Louis Horner, Elana Doyle, Katherine Brown, Xavier Gonsalves (Non-Voting Member) <br /> Also Present: Kim Landry-Affirmative Action Officer <br /> Absent: Chairwoman J. Marie Stevenson, Patty DeBoer <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairwoman Johnson-Graham. <br /> MOTION: Ms. Nadeau made a motion to begin the meeting at 10:02 a.m. Ms. Waterman <br /> seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 5, 2019 <br /> Changes were recommended to the minutes. There was clarification regarding Safe <br /> Communities and whether there had been discussion about a Petition Article submitted to the <br /> Board of Selectmen, but it was confirmed that discussion occurred at the last meeting, indicating <br /> that a proposal would be submitted. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Horner made a motion to accept the February 5t" minutes with edits. Ms. <br /> Brown seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> APPOINTMENTS & HEARINGS <br /> None at this time <br /> COMMUNICATIONS & CORRESPONDENCE <br /> None at this time <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Child Care for Town Meeting-Ms. Doyle distributed copies of the Town Meeting <br /> Childcare Proposal. There was consensus that the next step would be to present the proposal to <br /> the Board of Selectmen. It was suggested that the proposal be forwarded to Ms. DeBoer for her <br /> review. Ms. Doyle noted that an age range was identified, in order to avoid diaper changes, and <br /> the program was limited to 10 children. Two adults and two high school students would monitor <br /> the program. Ms. Nadeau suggested that, if food was provided, it should be allergen free choices <br /> or allow families to provide their own food, if necessary. It was suggested to inquire further with <br /> Ms. DeBoer. Ms. Doyle will forward an updated proposal to the Committee once she follows up <br /> with Ms. DeBoer. There was consensus that the proposal would need to be submitted prior to <br /> the next meeting, to be considered in time for May Town Meeting. <br /> MOTION: Ms. Wilson made a motion to accept with edits and Ms. DeBoer's input. Ms. <br /> Brown seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Ms. Waterman,yes; Ms. Wilson,yes; Ms. <br />