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i <br /> . In 1991 Hurricane Bob and the No Name storm in October caused breaching and led <br /> to dredging around the southern tip of Popponesset Island. <br /> 4. In 1997 sand was removed from the channel where it over-washed from Low Tide <br /> Island. <br /> Mr. Baker believes that the solution that allows boats to get out from the New Seabury area is to <br /> allow a channel to go north parallel to the Popponesset Island, then pick up the cross-hay channel <br /> to the opening. Ed stated that it is not just his opinion, but that the following reports support his <br /> contention: <br /> 1. Aubrey,and Gould, 1983.The Woods Hole report is available in the Ma hpee Public <br /> Library - o 2000 00 33104 7. WHOI 83-26 <br /> 2. Rapid formation and degradation of Barrier Spits in areas of low rates of Littoral <br /> Drift- urine Geology, 1982, pp. 257-258, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co,, <br /> Amsterdam, Netherlands. <br /> Mr. Hanks deferred discussion until the next meeting. <br /> Review of August Minutes: John Swart Baugh moved that the minutes be accepted as written, <br /> Jerry Daly seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously <br /> Old Business <br /> 1. Harbormaster Report—Perry Ellis <br /> None <br /> 2. Shellfish Constable Report—RickYork <br /> Done <br /> 3. Committee Reports <br /> Fresh Water—Bill Taylor <br /> Done <br /> Popponesset Bay—Herb Silver <br /> Mr. Silver reported that no boats seem to have been removed from New Seabury yet, and <br /> that docks are still being constructed in ockway Bay. Jim Hanks noted that the derelict <br /> red Chris-Craft boat near the ramp at Ockway Bay has been removed by the <br /> Harbormaster, <br /> Mr. Silver also noted that there were some new "Danger" signs posted at the Aquaculture <br /> grant in Ockway Bay. <br /> Mr. Baker commented that he had alerted Ms. Boretos,Assistant Conservation Agent, to <br /> the presence of boats on the marsh at Mitehells's Landing and that she had sent letters <br /> accordingly. He also noted that it appears that someone is digging out the marsh near the <br />