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NA0-IVY <br /> Waterways Commi'ss w* n <br /> Town o Mash e <br /> f "` <br /> r <br /> 16 Great Reck &ad Xonh <br /> All 10� os Mash pee,, Massachusetts 02649 <br /> T4hou:508-4 77-014 7 <br /> Muds•5o8- 7 7 0-14 7 <br /> 7 <br /> P <br /> ............ <br /> S . EE WATERWAYS COMMISSION I INUTES <br /> July 2, 2002 <br /> Attendance: Jim Hanks, Paul Lumsden, Jerry Daly, and John Swartzbaugh <br /> Other Attendees: Mimi Josephs, Ed Baker. <br /> Call To Order: Chaim m an Jim Hanks called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. <br /> Elections <br /> Jim Hanks turned the floor over to John Swartzbaugh. Jerry Daly nominated Jim Hanks as <br /> Chairman. Nominations were closed. Jim was elected by three votes and one abstention. Jim <br /> Hanks nominated Jerry Daly as Vice Chairman, who declined, and Paul Lumsden nominated John <br /> Swartzbaugh to continue as Vice Chairman. Nominations were closed and John was elected by <br /> unanimous vote. Jim Hanks nominated Neil Barney as Secretary, nominations were closed, and <br /> Neil was elected unanimously. <br /> Jim Hanks requested a motion to write a letter recommending approval of the members whose <br /> terms expire this year. Paul Lumsden made the motion, John Swartzbaugh seconded it, and it <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> Jim Hanks then resumed the chair. He re-iterated a new policy that after the Public Comment <br /> period, public comment would not be accepted unless invited by the Chairman. The one <br /> exception would apply to the Selectman Liaison. <br /> Public Comment: Mimi Josephs described how she had found her stolen swim marker on a <br /> neighbor's dock. She called the Harbormaster department, and one of the assistants retrieved the <br /> buoy, anchor, and chain and re-set hers in lieu of the one the Town markers. <br /> Ed baker asked if we could discuss the dredging during public Comment. Jim Hanks explained <br /> that there was not much to report, except that there had been a meeting of Joyce Mason, Chuckle <br /> Green, Leslie Fields and himself to review the Mashpee River dredging permitting project. In <br /> that meeting,based on Leslie's advice that mechanical dredging was not feasible because of the <br /> Page 1 of 5 <br />