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mess that would leaf from the trucks, the decision was made to no longer consider mechanical <br /> dredging. Costs are to be determined for four alternatives: <br /> 1 is to do nothing, <br /> is to hydraulically dredge as many cubic yards as the pit can accommodate,, <br /> Jim couldn't recall the third, and, <br /> 4 is to dredge the full 24,000 cubic yards over a 2 year period. That would involve digging out <br /> the first year's material and disposing of it in the Bourne Landfill. <br /> Discussion of other alternatives such as marsh islands or marsh restoration ensued, in which Ed <br /> Baker and Paul Lumsden cited the need for marsh restoration in the Ma tepee River because the <br /> Marsh is disappearing mysteriously. Jim said that although he agreed, he had no plans to work <br /> on any such alternatives because that is not one of the 4 choices selected. He stated that the <br /> decisions regarding project direction are essentially out of his hands. <br /> Review of Minutes—The minutes were reviewed and numerous typographical errors corrected. <br /> John Swartzbaugh moved that we accept the minutes; Jerry Daly seconded the motion, and all <br /> commissioners members voted in favor. During the discussion on minutes, Jim Hanks handed <br /> out the list of things to do that he an Leslie had been working on and was the topic of discussion <br /> at the 19 Juane 2002 project review meeting. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> 1. Harbormaster Report—Peljy Ellis. <br /> No report is available. <br /> 2. Shellfish Constable Roort—Rick York. <br /> No report is available <br /> 3. Committee Re orfs <br /> Fresh water—William 'Naylor. <br /> Mashpee wakebv Lake Management Committee.-leo report is available. <br /> l ashpee Wakeby Lake Enforcement Issues— Mill no word from FSE regarding signs <br /> for 1ashpee wakeby Dake. <br /> pponesset Bay— Herb Silver. <br /> No report is available. <br /> quoi Bay—Jing Hanks. <br /> Jim Hanks reported that waquoit Bay is very busy, and that he has seen a houseboat- <br /> looking craft several times on waquoit Bay. It is a double hulled one, and not very large. <br /> Jerry Daly reported he had seen one also on a trailer. Jim also reported a lot of blue fish <br /> activity —mostly in the 13 to 18 inch size feeding on 2.5 inch sand eels. <br /> County Dredge a Advisory Meeting—William Taylor. <br /> Page 2 of <br />