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.4 <br /> this meeting as a beginning, and that they had participated in Town Meeting in earlier days when <br /> Peter Lawrence was a Selectman. <br /> William Cohen pointed out that most of the homeowners are non-residents and therefore do not <br /> participate because they cannot speak at Town Meeting. He added that that has to change <br /> because as taxpayers they need to participate, but the issue is that this problem exists novo and <br /> we don't want to wait until Torn Meeting. <br /> Gerry Daly suggested the discussion return to the content of the letter-which requests the article <br /> for $23,000 be re-instated on the Warrant. Jinn Hanks pointed out that if the issue was to ask the <br /> Selectmen to include an article in the October Town-Warrant, it is too late. Articles must be in 90 <br /> days before the meeting because of a bylaw. <br /> Perm Ellis added that part of the concern on the Selectmen's part is that it would look like the <br /> Ton would be building a beach on private property. He feels that the only thing they will <br /> approve is placing the material near the tip of the spit on Audubon Society property. Jim Hanks <br /> stated that that would not do any good as it would wash right back into the channel and that <br /> where it is needed is up near Wading Place Road on the State property. <br /> Gerry Daly stated that there is another-reason for dredging this year as the outside channel is <br /> shoaling in, and that there is a risk of losing access to Popponesset Bay for many people. <br /> Perry Ellis stated that the Waterways Improvement Account has $47,000 in it, and the Town <br /> Accountant says that the Selectmen can spend money from that account directly without going <br /> before Town Meeting. Jim Hanks reminded the group that right now we are not on the County <br /> Dredge Schedule. Perry suggested we should get Wayne Jedtke to pencil us in on the schedule <br /> for ten days. <br /> The consensus of the group, Commissioners, Harbormaster and the Public is that something has <br /> to be done, as was proposed back in the 9 's. At high tide the spit is just a little ribbon and <br /> needs to be re-built before a storm causes a lot of damage. Everyone agreed that we have to <br /> work together to accomplish the objective of p rotecting the spit as well as Providing for <br /> navigation. <br /> Jim Hanks reminded everyone that we have to solve the easement problem because otherwise we <br /> cannot properly protect th'e spit. He pointed out that the notion that we are nourishing a private <br /> beach is not correct.. State lave requires that if public funds are used the property owner must <br /> grant an easement allowing public access along the area of placed material. It also requires that <br /> material suitable for beach nourishment must be used for beach nourishment purposes. The spit <br /> is now accessed by the public so we have to convince New Seabury to donate the land to the <br /> Ton or grant an easement for us to be able to continue to put the material there. <br /> Bill Taylor reminded everyone that one must be a voter to speak at Town Meeting and suggested <br /> that Save Popponesset Bay get some of their members who are registered voters to speak on this <br /> issue at Torn Meeting. <br /> Page 2 or <br />