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MASHP E TOWN HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE <br /> Minutes for <br /> May 3# 1995 <br /> Members Present: Jim Vaccaro, Flay Martini, Bob Fox} Charlie Buckingham <br /> Esc- fl`icios Present: Bob Whritenour <br /> The meeting of the ll ashpee Town Hall Building Committee was called to order by <br /> Chairperson Jim Vaccaro at 3:10 p.m. on May 3} 1995. <br /> Jim began the meeting by presenting the meeting minutes from the April 26, 1995, <br /> Committee meeting and asked all members if they had any corrections/additions. to the <br /> minutes. As there were none: Ray Martini motioned t , cce t the minutes from the <br /> April 26, 1395, meeting of the Town Hail Building Committee. Charlie <br /> Buckingham seconded the motion, which was carried with a unanimous vote. <br /> Jim asked Bob Whritenour to explain to all Committee members of the steps that would <br /> be required to proceed now that the funds were approved. Bob stated that the <br /> Committee needed to select a final designer. To do this, the Committee needed to <br /> submit an RFP (bequest for Proposals), receive the bids, conduct architect interviews, <br /> and present the top three to the Selectmen. He suggested that the Committee conduct <br /> the actual interviews. Charlie Buckingham asked who would be putting together the bid <br /> package. Bob stated that Tadhg Sweeney still oared the Committee a final report and <br /> stated that with the information contained in that report, the Committee would put <br /> together the package. Bob stated that according to public bidding laws, we can, and <br /> dial, reserve the right to select the architect who did the feasibility study to also do the <br /> project design. Jim also started that there was also the peer review process whereby <br /> FP's are sent out to three other architectural firms with the feasibility study and the <br /> project design. However, he stated that he did not recommend going this route. Bob <br /> stated that the advantage to having the architect who did the feasibility study know this <br /> possibility up front, is that the architect would tend to present more realistic figures in <br /> the feasibility study. He stated that the entire process was: <br /> • Develop the RFP package <br /> • Put together the Scope of Services <br /> Put the package out to bid <br /> o Committee to do a blind selection <br /> • Present to Selectmen <br /> • Award package to architect selected <br /> • Design phase <br /> • Bid process for construction documents <br /> • Bid process for general contractor <br /> • elect general contractor <br /> • Construction phase <br /> Jim stated that he estimated the entire process might take approximately 15 months. <br /> Jinn asked if by net week the Committee could get the Scope of Services together. <br /> Bob stated that he believed a daft version could be ready. Jim asked Bob if he thought <br /> that some of the larger architectural firms that had bid on the feasibility study would <br /> possibly bid on the design. phase. Bob stated that he thought that was entirely possible. <br /> brief review of the possible arch itecturallirms. that might submit a bid was discussed. <br />