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MASHP E TOWN HALL. BUILDING COMMITTEE <br /> Minutes for May 3, 1995 <br /> Page <br /> Jiro stated that it was important for the Committee to find out from the firms who submit <br /> bids what similar work they have done in the past and to talk to the people who have <br /> worked with them previously. Bob Fox asked if the Committee members would be <br /> required to go to some of the sites where bidding firms have previously done work to <br /> see what quality of work they were capable of. Jiro stated that this would be advisable. <br /> He stated that the Committee would be required to submit three architects, in a rank <br /> ordered list, to the Selectmen to pick from. Bob Fox asked if after the architect has <br /> been selected, can the other bids be opened. Jinn replied that only if the first architect <br /> selected could not be agreed with as far as a fee, then the Committee would go back to <br /> the Selectmen for the next one of the original throe submitted for review.. He stated that <br /> this fee should be around $ 150,000 and that it should be closer to $138,000. <br /> Bob Fox asked if the Town Hall offices would continue to be able to operate and still do <br /> this type of Scope of Services. Jim stated than perhaps they might have to get <br /> temporary trailer for a portion of it. Several options were discussed by the Committee <br /> as to hoar this could be accomplished. ,Jiro stated that he had been in a simil r situation <br /> before and stated that basically people would have to just live with it ars it' was <br /> temporary and the offices would not be able to move anywhere else in the interim. He <br /> also stated that this should be included in the Scope of Services, that the construction <br /> has to be done with the existing offices still in place in the building. Bob Whritenour <br /> agreed that this would be a good idea. Jim also stated that perhaps this discussion <br /> was a little premature until the Committee selects and speaks to an architect. <br /> Discussion was also held on the possibility of moving the offices on the floor being <br /> worked on downstairs to the Great Froom until the construction on that floor is <br /> completed. -Discussion was also held suggesting where the Selectmen could possibly <br /> meet during the construction phase. Bob Whritenour suggested that the Committee <br /> coordinate the schedule "top down" and to get everyone's input. He suggiBsted getting <br /> each of the department heads in the meeting when this scheduling is discussed to <br /> obtain their input. Jim then presented to the Committee a brief overview of what work <br /> had been proposed in the past as a daft of the possible location of each office. Jim <br /> stated that if some relocation is required, that the police station and the Senior Center <br /> were possible temporary locations. Ray Martini stated that the police station also <br /> offered handicapped access. <br /> Charlie stated that the bids should come in with a severe timetable. Jim stated that it is <br /> im-portant to select an architect who has had experience doing this kind of renovation <br /> with working offices staying in place during construction. <br /> Ray asked if the windows were being saved. Bob vhritenour agreed and stated that <br /> anything that could possibly be reused should be saved. Some discussion was held on <br /> which flooring could be saved and which would require work. Bob Fox stated that at <br /> some point in time he would like to go completely over the building in detail so that he <br /> would have information available when the architects require i . <br /> Charlie stated that he was surprised to find out there was so many file documents that <br /> had not been converted to computer diskettes or microfiche. Jim stated that the Town <br /> had been trying to get a price on how much it would cast to put the documents on <br /> microfiche. Bob Fox asked if the problem was being addressed for future files. Jim <br /> stated that he did not think anything had been done yet, <br />