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MASHPEE TOWN HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE <br /> Minutes for May 3, 1995 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Charlie started that when the Committee is interviewing the architects, there might be <br /> some iters that the Committee might find easier to discuss with the architects rather <br /> than putting down rn n the wriften document. <br /> Bob Fox asked if all of the desks and furniture were being reused. Bob Whritenour <br /> started there had not been any money allocated for new furniture. Bob Fox asked who <br /> would be moving the furniture. Ray and Jim stated that DPW would probably take care,.,,,- <br /> of <br /> are _of this. <br /> Jim started that at next week's meeting: the Committee should draft timetable. ' Jinn <br /> asked Bob Whritenour if he thought that the 1 st.of .dune was a realistic date for getting <br /> the IFP in the newspaper. Bob stated that he would estimate a June 10th timeframe. <br /> He stated that the RFP should be ready sometime by the last week in May. He also <br /> started that the RFP should stay in the newspaper until around the middle of .lune. Jinn <br /> also suggested that the Committee not interview everyone, but rather, suggested <br /> interviewing around five architects. He stated that the Committee would need two <br /> blocks of time over ar two day period. He estimated that this would be done by the end <br /> f,duly with an architect being selected by approximately August I st, He stated that the <br /> Committee needed to get the RFP out on time. Bob Whritenour stated that if by next <br /> week's meeting they had a good daft, this would be possible. <br /> Jim asked if the Committee wanted to continue to meet on Wednesdays. All agreed <br /> and he suggested moving the time t 2:00 p.m. to which all members agreed. <br /> The next meeting of the Town Hall Building Committee was scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on <br /> Wednesday, May 10, 1995. <br /> Jim started that the goal for next week's meeting was to have a draft of the RFP and he <br /> suggested that the Committee members think about ghat they felt should be included in <br /> the scope of Services. He stated that for the next two meetings, the Committee will get <br /> the IFP ready to send out and then the Committee probably would not be required t <br /> meet for a couple of weeks after that until the bids are received. <br /> Bob W riten ur stated that he wanted to acknowledge all of Jim's hard work to get this <br /> project approved at the Town Meeting. He also wanted to thank Charlie for his speech. <br /> Bob stated that the enc-officio members should be corning to these meetings. Jinn stated <br /> that he had spoken to Greg Taylor and they had discussed his participation in the <br /> meetings in which agenda items pertaining to his area would be discussed. Jim asked <br /> the Committee how they granted to handle the ex-officio members attendance at <br /> meetings. He asked if they felt they should attend eery meeting or just selective <br /> meetings. Bob Whritenour stated he wanted it to be their responsibility to know what is <br /> being discussed and to be in attendance to give their input. .Jim stated that next week's <br /> meeting will be discussing scope of Services and felt that they should be in attendance. <br /> Bob state that he mould tell thein to come to the next week's meeting. Jim also started <br /> that when the Committee interviews architects, he felt that Greg Taylor should be in <br /> attendarne. He stated that Greg has asked some very insightful questions in the past. <br /> Ray asked if the Committee has to meet in the Selectmen's Meeting Room and <br /> suggested the senior Center. Jim started that the Senior Center might be ar good idea <br /> when the Committee conducts the architect interviews. <br />