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MASHPEE TOWN HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE <br /> Minutes for May 103 1995 <br /> Page <br /> none, Flay Martini motioned to accept the minutes from the May 3, 1995, meeting <br /> f the Town Hall Building Committee, Bob Fox seconded the motion, which was <br /> carried with a unanimous Grote. <br /> Jim presented to the Committee a letter they had received from Thomas Wren of <br /> Chartwell. Mr. Wren had recently moved to Il arshpee and was requesting to serve as <br /> an alternate. Jing stated that Nor. Wren does possess some expertise that might prove <br /> helpful to the Committee. A brief discussion was held regarding Mr. Wren's <br /> qualifications and that perhaps he right be a good candidate to serve as an advisor. It <br /> was thought that this might be a little premature. Therefore, it was determined that as <br /> the project progressed ar little further, the Committee would have Mr. Wren attend a <br /> future meeting in order to speak with him, perhaps regarding an advisory position. <br /> Jim reminded the Committee that they would not be meeting next week and stated that <br /> the net meeting of the Town Nall Building Committee was scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on <br /> Wednesday, May 2 , 1995. <br /> Flay Martini motioned for the meeting to adjourn at 3:10 p;rte. Bob Fox seconded <br /> the motion, which was carried by a unanimous Grote; <br /> Respectfully submitted b : <br /> Brenda L. Achille <br />