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MA HPEE TOWN HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE <br /> Minutes for May 102 1995 <br /> Page <br /> presently goes down if they experience a poorer outage. Bob Whritenour stated that it <br /> does go down and started the need for a back up system to keep the phones up during <br /> aw power outage. Bob Fox asked if the architect designer would have any input in the <br /> relocation of offices during construction. Bob Whritenour stated that item B requires <br /> that the architect designer insure that everyone's needs are met but that it was not <br /> specified that these needs are required to be also ret during construction. Additionally, <br /> Jim asked if there was anything in the Scope of Services that started that vire do not <br /> have the ability to empty the building during construction. Bob Whritenour started that it <br /> was not included but thought that was an excellent item to be included and suggested <br /> making it a separate item. Bob Fox asked Ray how the electrical boxes were land out in <br /> the building and suggested possibly which ones could be shut off during each part of <br /> the construction. Jim stated that the thought at present was to relocate those offices <br /> whose areas were being worked on down in the Great loom during construction. Bob <br /> Whritenour stated that Project Create would have to rove and ,Jiro started that Dr. <br /> Lincoln DeMaruraw, the Superintendent of Schools, was already aware of this. He also <br /> started that they would need to discuss with the architect and determine where the <br /> x computer system is to be located and install that first. ,Jim started that if they were able <br /> to get a Quonset but to use ars temporary offices, that would solve ar lot of problems. <br /> He also stated that the Selectmen would have to find another plane to met and would <br /> have to start using places like the libraries and schools to ret. Bob Fox asked hoer <br /> design changes mould be handled after the design is finalized. Bob Whritenour stated <br /> that anything past the final design would probably be an additional change. ,Jim stated <br /> that they would be picking up a lot of space by lessening the width of the hallways. Jim <br /> asked if there was anything else that the members could think of to include in the FFP. <br /> Ray asked if there were any bathrooms planned for the upstairs. Bob Whritenour <br /> stated that the plans did not call for it at this time. He also started that the plan was to <br /> lessen starting from scratch but rather tacking what was existing in the building and <br /> marking more of it. .Jinn asked Bob Whritenour what he had come up with for the <br /> additional item which speaks to working around existing offices. Bob read to the <br /> members the item ars follows, "The Designer shall develop a plan ... which provides for <br /> the temporary location of offices within the building while other sections of the building <br /> are undergoing restoration and renovation." Bob Fox-asked if Bill Hauck would be the <br /> one responsible for inspecting the building during and after construction and asked if <br /> than was considered ar conflict. Both Jinn and Bob Whritenour stated than he would be <br /> responsible and than this would not be considered a conflict. Bob Fox started that they <br /> would have to approve a half of the building at a time so than people could move back <br /> in. He was concerned that the electrical, heating, etc, could not be approved for one <br /> half of the work when they would still be working on the other half. Jim stated that this <br /> might not be a problem because these items would probably be separately zoned. Bob <br /> Fox brought up the subject of the four vault doors, costing $20,000 each, than he had <br /> previously asked Tadhg about and started that he still wants to discuss this item further <br /> with Tardhg. He asked why they couldn't install just one door for $20,000 with four <br /> compartments inside the vault which would possibly save $60,000. All members <br /> agreed this was an excellent idea. ,Jim asked Bob Whritenour Erhart was next in the <br /> RFP process. Bob stated than he had sent ar copy of the draft to Town Counsel for <br /> theca to look at. Jim then stated than unless Torn Counsel had some major revisions to <br /> the FFP, he did not feel any need to meet next geek. He started the next meeting <br /> would be scheduled for May 24, 1995, after the final FFP was presented to the <br /> Selectmen at their meeting on May 22, 1995. <br /> Jim presented the meeting minutes from the May 3, 1995# Committee meeting and <br /> asked all members if they had any corrections/additions to the minutes. As there were <br /> { <br />