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Minutes of Meeting of <br /> Mashpee Design Review Committee <br /> Tuesday, February 20, 2018 <br /> Mashpee Town Hall Waquoit Meeting Room <br /> Committee Members Present: Joseph Cummings, Jonathan Furbush, Joshua <br /> Spencer, Michael Mendoza, and Miles Peters. <br /> Also Present: Evan Lehrer—Town Planner <br /> Michael Mendoza called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m. <br /> Project Address: 548 Falmouth Road-Mobil Gas Station <br /> Business Name: Global Companies LLC <br /> Owner/Agent: Carolyn Parker <br /> Request: Remove existing 3-Product Manual Prices, <br /> Install New Single Product LED Price Sign. <br /> Carolyn Parker appeared and said Mobil wants to put LED on their price sign. <br /> She said they want to replace the existing 3-product price sign with just 1-product <br /> price sign for just regular gas. The other gas prices will be on the dispensers. <br /> Carolyn said.Mobil has a new type of gas called "Synergy", which is a blend of 7 <br /> different key ingredients and they would like to install Synergy modules around <br /> the dispensing area. Carolyn Parker showed a photo of the existing dispensing <br /> area and showed where the proposed 8 wedges, 4 blade signs, and 4 koala <br /> signs would be located around the dispensing area. None of these signs would <br /> be illuminated; all would be red in color. <br /> LED would only be at the main pylon sign, which is double sided. LED panel size <br /> would be what's currently used, but they could reduce the size if need be. <br /> Carolyn explained the koala sign wraps around the pole and would basically be <br /> where the "no smoking" and "shut engine off' signage would be. <br /> Evan Lehrer commented that he thinks the pylon sign is more attractive without 3 <br /> prices. He said he thinks the larger field of blue should be reduced. He said he <br /> is concerned about brightness, and if approved a condition should be installation <br /> of a rheostat switch so sign can be dimmed at night. Carolyn responded that as <br /> it gets darker, the sign gets dimmer. <br /> Carolyn commented that under the Zoning Bylaws for C-1 Zone it says signs may <br /> be illuminated. Jonathan Furbush checked the Bylaw and said it is limited to 100 <br /> illuminates per square foot. Mike Mendoza stated that if granted there could be a <br /> condition that when the sign goes up it would have to be measured to be sure the <br /> sign does not exceed the 100 illuminates per square foot. <br />