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wastewater and housing that were being considered. Mr. Connell suggested that there seemed to be <br /> more optimism, more substantive conversations and progress being made, adding that he supported the <br /> idea of 40B. There was discussion about subsidized housing and missing middle housing. Mr. Abbott <br /> referenced Mashpee's Housing Production Plan that would require updating in 2020 and inquired <br /> about the anticipated number of affordable housing units from Mashpee Commons. It was noted that <br /> 96 units had been listed, and that new zoning could possibly allow that number to be reached. There <br /> was discussion regarding the importance of work force housing. Mr. Connell noted the benefit of <br /> Form-Based Codes as additional developers were brought in to Mashpee Commons to assist with the <br /> development of rental units. <br /> Mr. Abbott expressed concern about Mashpee Commons' plans to move forward on developing <br /> affordable housing and presented a list of parcels to be considered from Town tax taking land. It was <br /> suggested that the list be cross-referenced with a prior list from former Town Planner Tom Fudala <br /> regarding appropriateness of parcels for affordable housing. <br /> Wampanoag Village-Ms. Stone reported that the Tribe had released their RFP, which had <br /> likely been awarded. Regarding the organization, there was a 7-member Commission with an <br /> Ordinance mission to develop housing for the Tribal members and create a Tribally Designated <br /> Housing Entity (similar to a Housing Authority), part of the Tribe but administered as an Authority. <br /> Eventually the Commission would be located in the community Development Office. Ms. Stone would <br /> seek the role of Chair of the Commission. Tree clearing had occurred at the site. <br /> Habitat for Humanity-The Chair confirmed that he had forwarded the Committee's letter of <br /> appreciation to Vickie Goldsmith, and read her letter expressing her appreciation. <br /> Main Street Village,Phase II-No update <br /> 243 Cotuit Road-No update <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> CPC Grant Awarded for Affordable Housing-No update <br /> COMMUNICATIONS <br /> ME,ETING ADJOURNMENT <br /> Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 16, 2019 due to anticipated review of RFP responses. <br /> MOTION: Ms. Stone made a motion to adjourn. Mr.Abbott seconded the motion. All voted <br /> unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. <br /> respectfully submi ed by, <br /> r <br /> Jennifer M. Cliffordw, <br /> Board Secretary <br /> LIST OF DOCUMENTS <br /> -950 Falmouth Road RFP Text Comparison <br /> -List of Tax Taking Land to be Considered for Affordable Housing <br /> 2 <br />